My Top Ten Time-Saving Social Media Automation Tools

Don’t Waste Your Life

Felicia C. Sullivan
Marketing Made Simple
8 min readDec 31, 2018


I remember when there was one social media channel. One. Companies were still buying billboards and full-page newspaper ads. Yes, that’s me in the corner relaxing in my sarcophagus, passing time with my abacus, and sending emails from my Hotmail account.

But I digress.

Then the last decade happened and then the deluge. Then the big cultural shift. And then every kid on the block had a Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and insert 50 other social media channels.

Here’s the thing. Social media is work. You have to create content, post it, monitor it, optimize it, and then you hope and wait for the magic — a connection with your customer. But then…there’s, you know, the rest of your business to run. Emails to respond to. Problems to solve. A life to live with your friends and loved ones.

Imagine if your load was a little lighter. Imagine if some parts of your day were a little easier. Enjoy this resource list — my top ten must-use social media automation tools. What’s automation? Technology that takes care of some of the work — leaving you time for what matters most: your business.

I’ve used a lot of tools over the years and these are some of my favorites:

