Naming Conventions 101 for developers

Apurva Jain
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 25, 2021

“Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.”
by Cory House

We’re all different — from different cultures and backgrounds. One can describe a thing completely different for others. If every developer follows the practices he/she feels convenient with then you may even identify the code written by a particular developer (known as the DNA of the code).

But as as we all know, software development is not a single person’s job, there is always a Team effort involved. Thus keeping a defined naming convention is a MUST. Selecting the proper name for a function or a variable requires experience and many hours of code reading. This challenge is not a technical or management challenge, it’s a skill that requires much practice.

Why is it important?

1. Better Communication

Building a product is always a Team Effort which requires making sure that everyone understands the names that we name, we got to name them clearly.

2. Easy Management

Developers don’t hesitate to touch the code of peer members due to difference in coding conventions.

3. Easy Reviewing

Consistent code conventions makes reviewing things easier as we don’t have to find out what something means.

4. Easy On-boarding

For new developer onboarding, coding conventions allow them to easily grasp the inners of code by simply looking at the code.

How to write meaningful names?

The name of a variable, function, or class, should answer all the big questions. It should tell you why it exists, what it does, and how it is used. If a name requires a comment, then the name does not reveal its intent.

- Use intention revealing names

Variable name must define the exact explanation of its content so it can document itself in case of no documentation.

var d // elapsed time in days


var elapsedTimeInDays

- Use pronounceable names

class NwClmDmg {    private _lyt = 'dashboard';    private Date _modymdhms;}


class NewClaimDamage {    private _layout = 'dashboard';    private Date _modificationTimestamp;}

Use searchable names

If a variable or constant might be seen or used in multiple places in a body of code, it is imperative to give it a search-friendly name.

for (int item = 0; item < 34; item++) {    s += (t[item] * 4) / 5;}


var realDaysPerIdealDay = 4;const WORK_DAYS_PER_WEEK = 5;var sum = 0;for (var item = 0; item < NUMBER_OF_TASKS; item++) {    var realTaskDays = taskEstimate[item] * realDaysPerIdealDay;    var realTaskWeeks = (realTaskDays / WORK_DAYS_PER_WEEK);    sum += realTaskWeeks;}

Use one consistent language

Decide and use one natural language for naming, e.g. using mixed English and Bahasa names will be inconsistent and unreadable.

There’s no limit to the length of the variable name

Use short enough and long enough variable names in each scope of code.

Although short, cryptic variable names are to be shunned in favor of longer, descriptive names, that doesn’t mean you should be using entire sentences. Extremely long names are inefficient because they make code dirty, hard-to-read-write and leading to possibility of typo.

Before we get into defining conventions, here are several delimiting conventions commonly used in code:


Words are delimited by an underscore.



Words are delimited by capital letters.



Words are delimited by capital letters, except the initial word.


Hungarian Notation (Old, obsolete & should not be used)

This notation describes the variable type or purpose at the start of the variable name, followed by a descriptor that indicates the variable’s function. The Camelcase notation is used to delimit words.

arrCompanyGroup // Array called “Company Group”sUserName       // String called “User Name”iRandomSeed     // Integer called “Random Seed”

Naming Conventions

Consistency and readability are key ideas that should be utilized in the naming of variables. Regardless of how you choose to name your variables, always ensure that your naming conventions are consistent throughout the code. Consistency allows others to more easily understand your code.

Better Variables

Most often variables are declared with **camelCase**.

var firstName = 'John';

Better Constants

Constants — intended to be non-changing variables are declared in **ALL CAPS**.

var SECONDS = 60;

Better Booleans

A prefix like `is` , `are` , `has` helps developer to distinguish a boolean from another variable by just looking at it.

var isVisible = true;var hasKey = false;

Better Functions

Functions names are written in **camelCase**. Always start your function name with a **”Verb”** which defines what that function is trying to do in conjunction with the name of the **”Entity”** being affected by this function.


Better Methods

Like functions, methods names are written in **camelCase**. As class name itself depict “Entity” thus suffixing the “Entity” in a function name doesn’t make sense because it becomes self-explanatory in case of class methods.

class User {    delete(id) {        // do something    }}var user = new User();console.log(user.delete(2)); // delete the user with ID = 2

Better Classes

A class should be declared with **PascalCase** in its own file.

class User {    constructor(firstName, lastName) {        this.firstName = firstName;        this.lastName = lastName;    }}var user = new User(‘John’, ‘Doe’);

Better Components

Components are widely declared with **PascalCase** too. When a component gets used, it distinguishes itself from native HTML and web components, because its first letter is always written in uppercase.

function UserProfile(user) {    return (        <div>            <span>First Name: {user.firstName}</span>            <span>Last Name: {user.lastName}</span>        </div>    );}<div>    <UserProfile        user={{ firstName: ‘John’, lastName: ‘Doe’ }}    /></div>

Better Privates

Private and protected properties in a class MUST BE prefixed with a single underscore.

class User {    constructor(firstName, lastName) {        this.firstName = firstName;        this.lastName = lastName; = _getName(firstName, lastName);    }    _getName(firstName, lastName) {        return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;    }}var me = new User(‘John’, ‘Doe’);console.log(;

Better Arguments

Use self-explanatory argument label that indicates more expressively the intent of the argument.

function getRemainder(x, y) {}


function getRemainder(number, divisor) {}

Parentheses Style

Two commonly used conventions for parenthesis are: K&R Style Parentheses and Allman Parentheses.

It is recommended to use K&R Style parentheses because they save one line and seem natural.

K&R Style Parentheses

if(isVisible) {    // do something}

Allman Parentheses

if(isVisible){    // do something}

Consistency is the key!!

The key to following conventions is consistency. You MUST ensure that you define and stick to a particular set of conventions.

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Apurva Jain
The Startup

Full stack developer with expertise in JavaScript and React. On my radar: #travel #technology #sports #health