Navigating the Perils of Trading: A Personal Journey and the Birth of CueTrade

Venkat Kasthala
3 min readSep 7, 2023


Trading in the financial markets can be an exciting endeavor, promising potential riches and financial independence. Like millions of retail traders, I too ventured into the world of trading a few years ago. Armed with a finance background, a solid understanding of valuations, option greeks, and the ability to decipher research reports, I thought I had the tools to succeed. I wasn’t the type to blindly follow trading tips or influencer recommendations. Yet, despite my knowledge and caution, I failed miserably at trading, losing capital a couple of times. My brief stint with trading didn’t just impact my finances; it took a toll on my peace of mind as well.

Over time, I noticed that my experience wasn’t unique. Nearly every person I encountered who had actively traded in the markets had a similar story to tell. Some had hit the jackpot by trading stocks like Tesla and NIO at the right moment, but they were the fortunate few. The majority, however, had lost money, and many couldn’t admit it publicly for fear of embarrassment. It became increasingly clear that trading, when not approached as a disciplined business with strict rules, is akin to gambling.

The statistics paint a grim picture: only the top 1% of day traders are able to beat the market, 85% of day traders quit within the first 3 years of trading, day traders Lost $1.14 Billion trading options during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

I delved deeper into this issue, conducting surveys, speaking with fellow retail traders, and analyzing why most of them were losing money. It wasn’t due to a lack of information or knowledge; it was a profound lack of discipline. This lack of discipline was further exacerbated by the ease of trading on mobile devices, the proliferation of discount brokerages, the availability of margin funds, the influence of social media, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) it instilled.

Trading often turns into a vicious cycle. People lose money, attempting to recoup their losses by putting even more money at risk, often at higher levels of risk. More often than not, they end up losing that as well. This cycle not only affects financial well-being but also peace of mind. Unfortunately, quitting trading is easier said than done, as escaping the allure of the markets is a monumental challenge. Adding to the complexity, self-proclaimed trading gurus often proclaim they’ve made millions through trading, leading many to fall into their trap.

Personally, I hold the belief that the chances of making money through active trading are slim to none. Retail traders are pitted against proprietary traders and algorithms in a zero-sum game, where the odds are stacked against them. Instead, I advocate for investing in stocks for the long term — a simpler and more reliable approach. However, in today’s world, this is easier said than done. Some may quit trading, but others will step into the fray, resulting in similar outcomes.

For those who remain committed to trading, I’ve developed CueTrade — a unique trading journal and analytics platform designed to instill discipline and a systematic approach to trading. Unlike conventional stock market products, CueTrade prioritizes caution, urging you to trade less frequently. It’s built on the foundation of trading best practices: plan your day, analyze your trades, journal your trades, and review your trading history to uncover your strengths and weaknesses.

CueTrade reflects my personal experiences, incorporates best practices, and addresses common concerns shared by fellow retail traders. Discipline is the key to trading success, and CueTrade stands as a sole product that emphasizes this, guiding you towards a systematic approach to trading.

In a world where trading can be dangerous, CueTrade is your ally in navigating the markets with prudence and discipline, ultimately aiming to improve your trading outcomes.

We launched the beta version of CueTrade and are offering free access to all the interested traders. We request active traders in the financial markets to take some time and explore CueTrade, providing us with valuable feedback as we continually strive to enhance the product further.

To begin your CueTrade experience, simply visit and log in using your Gmail credentials. If you have any inquiries about CueTrade or wish to request a demo, feel free to reach us at Take the first step towards disciplined trading with CueTrade!


