Realizing the Need for an Integrated Startup Ecosystem

Vinay Nair
The Startup
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2020


Across the world today, startups are considered to be some of the most potent sources of employment and innovation. However, even though the startup space is now poised for maturity, it still requires that extra push to help it move forward…

Having journeyed across the spectrum within the startup ecosystem myself, I understand all too well the pitfalls that impede a larger number of Indian startups from accomplishing their goals.

Fortunately, it is not the lack of entrepreneurial spirit or innovation that plagues the space. Instead, it is the lack of an organized, integrated framework that often leads these promising startups astray.

As most startup founders will be able to tell you, starting a new venture in a unique space is a lonely journey. There is a dismal paucity of advice and aid, and little inspiration to draw from. Even our academic discourse barely prepares us for the frankly arduous process of setting out on an uncharted course, with nothing but one’s own ideas to fuel the journey. Everything from finding investors to reaching out to potential consumers, from raising money to starting production: is usually extremely difficult to execute for any beginner in the space. As a result, a lot of bright ideas often disappear from the ecosystem long before they have a chance to be assessed and fine-tuned, let alone set in…

