Trump’s New CDC COVID Testing Guidance Has Far Reaching Consequences

Emilee Lord
2 min readAug 27, 2020


Following pressure from the White House, the CDC has shifted its guidance on who should be tested for COVID-19. New guidance recommends not testing asymptomatic persons who have been exposed to the virus despite acknowledging that half of infectious individuals are asymptomatic and declaring that anyone who chooses to be tested should self isolate for 2 weeks.

The public health community — including Dr. Anthony Fauci — immediately responded with concern over the lack of medical justifications for these changes and the negative impact reduced testing would have on COVID-19 mitigation. A decrease in testing will result in spottier data, artificially reduced infection numbers over the short-term, and less understanding about how COVID-19 spreads.

Perhaps even more troubling than the reduced testing, however, is the new guidance to self-isolate only if you get tested.

“This new guidance puts low-income and middle-class Americans between a rock and a hard place — forcing them to choose between isolation without paid leave if they are tested or not finding out if they are infected so they can continue working.”

There is no scientific basis for people to isolate based on their decision to be tested rather than their risk of exposure. The only reason to put those who test in “time-out” like this is to further disincentivize testing, especially for those who cannot work from home.

This new guidance puts low-income and middle-class Americans between a rock and a hard place — forcing them to choose between isolation without paid leave if they are tested or not finding out if they are infected so they can continue working. With bills stacking up after months of economic shutdown, many will lean toward the latter option. This will increase the risk of exposure for many and increase infections in the United States.

The White House’s politicization of science is an unprecedented betrayal of the oath of office. This new guidance is not science or directed by public health officials. Instead, it is a clear political ploy to artificially lower the number of reported COVID-19 infections in advance of the elections, making many believe that any continued restrictions are a political hoax and further discredit our scientists and public health experts who have been working tirelessly to combat this disease that has already killed over 175,000 Americans and badly sickened millions.

Whether you agree with a full shutdown, partial shutdown, or no shutdown at all, it’s in all of our interest to encourage people who have been exposed to get tested so they can avoid endangering their family and neighbors. More testing means less exposure. And less exposure means fewer deaths, fewer school closures, and a faster economic recovery.

