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No more invisible websites. The game plan for generating leads from your website

Yadhu AU
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2018


Have you ever felt like your business website is invisible to your potential buyers?

Most of the business owners are tired of their website that just sits there on the internet doing nothing. They have a website but they don’t know if anyone is checking it or not.

There is another group of people, who have a decent traffic to their website but don’t have a predictive number of leads generated from it.

If you belong to one of these group, it’s time to take a step back and evaluate your overall website strategy.

The website is often the first or second point of contact your customer makes with you. Making a lasting first impression is crucial. If a customer who needs your services does not find your website you are losing money.

It’s not about the fancy design or images on the website.

When you are starting a website, its easy to get overwhelmed with the designs, images, templates, and plugins you are going to use on the website. But the fancy design and those stock images won’t guarantee leads for your business.

A decent website with the solid systems to generate leads for your business is better than an eye-catching website does nothing.

There are 3 critical factors to generate leads from your website and being successful online.


I’m sure you’ve heard about SEO and paid advertising. Even though they both are completely two different things, there is one thing they have in common. It brings traffic to your website.

Many people think that getting more traffic is the trick to get more sales from the website. Website traffic won’t help you if you don’t have a solid website sales strategy in place to convert leads into paying customers.

Traffic alone won’t generate leads.

Stop spending a ton of money on SEO, PPC, and Facebook ads if you don’t have a solid sales funnel. Make SEO and paid advertising a part of your overall website strategy.

Take time to plan and implement a solid sales funnel that will generate a predictive stream of leads from your website.

Lead Conversion

It’s easy to overlook why you got your website in the first place with all the noise on online marketing.

If you fail to produce a way to collect your visitor’s email then your website is nothing more than a pretty online brochure.

You can collect the email and other contact information of your potential buyer by providing them an incentive for them. They’re called lead magnets.

Targeted lead magnets are usually a piece of digital downloadable content. Think free PDF checklists, reports, ebook, and cheat sheets.

Don’t build a website just because everyone is doing it. Stop wasting money and time on a website that lets visitors come and go without any sales interaction.

Make your visitors interact with your website. Help them even before they become your customer.

You’re not just attracting potential customers with giving away tools and resources. You are demonstrating your capabilities and expertise.

Lead Nurturing

You have the traffic and you have potential buyers contact information.

Now what?

How do you make them paying customers?

Normally, you can pitch them your services via phone or email.

But you and I both know a large chunk of the leads you’ve collected won’t buy on the first contact.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t interested. They may need more time, to know more about you and how you’re going to solve their problem, a little more convincing.

This is where nurturing comes into play.

You need a way to manage and follow up with leads. You need to nurture your relationship with the leads to convert them to paying customers. It’s often done in a form of series of automated emails and phone calls.

You could email them manually, but there is too much room for mistakes. To increase the efficiency and ensure there is zero opportunity to forgot a lead I recommend minimal human interaction in lead nurturing.

Stop blaming lack of time, not knowing what write and any other excuses in lead followup. Create a lead nurturing strategy with a pre-planned series of automated touch points.

With the right systems in place, you can develop a relationship with your prospecting without spending hours of time.


Creating a business website just because everyone is doing it won’t help you. If you really want to get results from your website you need to proactive.

With the help of right systems and ‘Traffic → Conversion → Nurturing’ sales strategy, you can turn your website visitors into paying customers.

Incorporating these with your overall website strategy will guarantee you a high return on your website investment.

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Yadhu AU
The Startup

I help businesses generate leads, reach new customers, and grow online. Get leads on autopilot →