Not as Perky as They Used to Be

Sure, employee perks are nice, but they get old fast

Jesse Bramani
The Startup
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2020


Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System on Unsplash

The Perks Get You in the Door

You might remember sitting across from the recruiter of the swanky startup you’d been lusting after. You could barely keep your attention as your eyes and ears soaked in how fun the environment seemed to be.

Laughter, cheering and audible high fives permeated through the walls of the interview room. You could practically hear the hearty fist bumps of what sounded like a deployment team successfully making it into production. You could still make out the celebrations despite the muffled, thumping music.

The recruiter’s words snapped you out of your trance, “every time they successfully deploy, we bring in wings, pizza and beer.”

“Sounds like a fun environment,” you said, in as professional a tone as you could muster, while thinking “Holy crap! I love me some wings! C’mon, focus. Don’t screw this up.”

After the usual back and forth of flexing, spouting half-truths and sitting with your back straight as a board, you parted ways.

“Nailed it!” you thought to yourself.

You Gloat About the Perks



Jesse Bramani
The Startup

I write about software, technology, satire, personal experiences and a mixed bag of randomness.