NSX-T Security with Ansible — Pt 1. Basic Firewall Rules

Matt Proud
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMay 30, 2019
The sky’s the limit with Ansible


This article is my opinion and not that of my employer.


NSX-T is VMware’s next gen software defined network stack. Whilst there is a GUI, if your using the GUI to drive the firewall you’re doing it all wrong. This article will present how to use Ansible to drive the NSX-T firewall in a way that you could use in a GitOps workflows.

This article assumes a basic understanding of Ansible. If not there are many videos and article available via your favorite search engine.

Using these Ansible modules it is possible to integrate NSX-T into Infrastructure as Code pipelines. Whether you want to use it to build VM rules, container based rules or firewall you NSX-T load balancers, you can use these modules within your pipelines to automagically drive the NSX-T Edge and Distributed firewalls based on minimal inputs. We’ll be building firewall rules in YAML that can be stored in Git, then because the Ansible Modules are idempotent, the rules can be re-applied at any time and the modules will update the configuration in NSX-T if it detects the defined YAML doesn’t match the configured state in NSX-T.

Side Notes

NSX-T 2.4 introduced a newer and more declarative API, which simplifies the APIs calls required to drive the firewall, whilst at the same time introduces dependencies which don’t suit all use cases today. At the time of writing the declarative API is not supported to inter-operate with the NCP plugin, meaning you can’t use all the new API features and constructs with Kubernetes or Pivotal Application Service. The modules presented below focus on the original API spec, but as Ansible handles all the boiler plate, the interaction patterns are much the same compared to the newer API. The only major is that you have an extra field for each object to classify it. For example if you have a rule destination based on an IP set, you have call out your IP set name and that it is an IP set.

Assumed Knowledge

  • Basic networking switching and routing concepts
  • Basic firewalling concepts, such ports and protocols
  • Virtualization concepts, including virtual networking
  • Base Ansible knowledge to prepare and run playbooks
  • Reading and writing YAML

NSX-T Concepts

If you want to dig into the NSX-T architecture beyond the firewall, the VMware Validated Design guides are a good place to start.

Distributed Firewall (DFW) and Micro Segmentation

The Distrubuted firewall is one of the best features of software defined networking (SDN) IMO. In legacy networking if you wanted to separate 2 workloads you would need to put them on separate subnets/VLANs and then have a firewall running between the networks. This approach does not scale for a number of reasons, primarily because there is a limit of 4094 VLANs that can be configured on network switches, plus there is a huge amount of configuration overhead to provide layer 3 separation. In the virtualized and containerized solutions, when using an SDN stacks it is possible to enforce firewall policy at the VM or container level. For example with VMs, the NSX-T software is run within the Hypervisor, on the virtual switch that VMs connect to and it is this software within the virtual switch which can enforce firewall policy. By enforcing policy at the point traffic exits the VM it is possible to build out zero trust and micro segmented typologies, where every object can only have the absolute minimum of rules, for instance blocking traffic between VMs in the same subnet that run on the same host.

IP Sets

As the name suggests IP Sets are sets of IP addresses. You can define individual IPs, ranges or CIDR style based subnets, up to a maximum of 4000 IPs per IP set.


The modules used here are a fork of the official VMware ansible-for-nsxt repo. All new feature have been submitted back to VMware via a pull requests and this tutorial will be updated to reference the VMware repo if the modules are accepted.

Environment setup

  • It is assumed that you already have a working NSX-T environment, ideally on version 2.4 or 2.3.
  • You’ll need an Ansible control server, with Ansible 2.7. I’ve used vanilla Ubuntu 16.04.
  • (Optional) A good editor with YAML linting. VSCode is quite nice and has good YAML extensions and the Remote SSH extension lets you remotely edit file on your Ansible control host from a non-Linux system.
  • (Optional) A git repository to host your firewall rule YAML.

On you Ansible Control server from a suitable directory run:

git clone https://github.com/laidbackware/ansible-for-nsxt/

This will create the ‘ansible-for-nsxt’ sub-folder. Then from the current folder make a new folder called config.

mkdir config

Now the module and the configuration will be separate, meaning that the configuration can be committed to git separately. Your folders should be structured as below:

- ansible-for-nsxt/
- config/

From this point onwards we will be working from the config directory.

Example Rule Answers

In this example we’ll put in a rule to allow everything within the NSX domain to connect to Google DNS.

The part1_answers.yml file shown below should be saved in the config directory you have just created.

IP Set

In this example we’re setting the Google DNS servers as an IP set, so that every source will have access to DNS.

Firewall rule section

As we want to enabled this policy on objects controlled by NSX-T we want to insert a distributed firewall rule. Luckily this is the default type of rule and we will let the rule apply everywhere. If there is a requirement to limit the scope of the rule, the applied_tos section can be used to apply the rule to certain logical ports. Scope and applied_tos will be covered in future tutorials.

In this example the source field has been omitted, which means that the source will be set to any. Destination will be the new IP set and it will be an IPv4 rule. The service is set to DNS, which is one of the built in NSX service types.

Manager File

Finally, it’s good practice to separate you NSX-T manager details from config, so create a separate answerfile file called manager.yml, updated with your NSX-T Manger connectivity details. See the Ansible docs for how to host or safely store secrets such as the password.


To apply this change requires a fairly simple Ansible playbook, as all the tasks are independent. As with the answers this should be saved in config folder. Notice that the answers files are defined, these will be passed in at run-time.

Running the Playbook

To import the modules from the ansible-for-nsxt folder, 2 environmental variables will needed to point to the library and module_utils folders.

export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="../ansible-for-nsxt";
export ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTILS="../ansible-for-nsxt/module_utils";

When running the playbook, extra-vars is used to pass in the answers yaml files, with the @ telling Ansible to open a file.

ansible-playbook firewall_ipsets.yml --extra-vars=@manager.yml --extra-vars=@part1_answers.yml -vvv;

All goes well an output similar to below should be displayed.

Next Time

The next article in this series covers NS Groups and how to make groups based on dynamic criteria, such as operating system type.


