There’s Nothing Wrong with Wanting to get Paid for Your Work

If you’re writing for the love of writing, that’s great, but some of us want to get paid for our work.

Brown Sugar
The Startup


There are much easier ways to make a living or even a part-time income than writing.

So, f you’re writing to express yourself and have a creative outlet that’s great.

I think in this “get it at all costs” world we live in we’ve gotten away from hobbies and leisure activities outside of work. We are living to work and not working to live and that’s a shame as well as being bad for our overall mental and physical well-being.

However, if you’re a writer who’s writing for fun and relaxation and the money is secondary, I really need you to stop giving advice to new writers who are trying to make a living at this. If I read one more article from a new-ish or hobby writer saying how you shouldn’t “write for the money” I will scream.

Let me be abundantly clear, I’ve been a professional writer for 20 years. I’ve been paid for my work from companies large and small all of my adult life. Writing is how I make a living. It’s how I pay school fees and put food on the table. I love writing, yes, but I definitely do it for the money,

