On Trusting the Model

Adam Mehdi
The Startup
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2020

In the world of deep learning, there are certain safety-critical applications where a cold prediction is just not very helpful. If a patient without symptoms is diagnosed with a serious and time-sensitive illness, can the doctor trust the model to administer immediate treatment? We are currently in a phase between solely human doctors being useful and complete AI hegemony in terms of diagnosing illness: deep learning models perform better than human experts independently, but a cooperation between human experts and AI is the optimal strategy.

Human experts must gauge the certainty behind the deep learning model’s predictions if they are to provide an additional layer of judgement to the diagnosis. And to gauge the trust we can put into the model, we must be able to measure the types of uncertainty of the predictions.

Modelling Uncertainty

A deep learning model trained on an infinite amount of perfect data for an infinite amount of time necessarily reaches 100% certainty. In the real world, however, we don’t have perfect data or an infinite amount of it, and this is what causes the uncertainty of deep learning models.

We call it aleatoric uncertainty when we have less-than-perfect data. If we had an infinite amount of it, the model will still not perform perfectly. It is the uncertainty stemming from noisy data.

And when we have high quality data, but we still are not performing perfectly, we are dealing with epistemic uncertainty, the uncertainty due to imperfect parameter values.

A measure of aleatoric uncertainty becomes more important in large-data tasks, since more data explains away epistemic uncertainty. In small datasets, however, epistemic uncertainty proves to be a greater issue, especially in biomedical settings, where we work with a small amount of well-prepared and high-quality data.

Aleatoric uncertainty can be measured by directly adding a term to the loss function, such that the model predicts the input’s prediction and the prediction’s uncertainty. Epistemic uncertainty is slightly more tricky, since this uncertainty comes from the model itself. If we were to measure epistemic uncertainty as we would aleatoric, the model would have to do the impossible task of predicting the imperfection of its own parameters.

For the remainder of this article, I will focus more on epistemic uncertainty rather than aleatoric uncertainty. Both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty can be measured in a single model, but I find epistemic uncertainty is far more significant in most biomedical and other safety-critical applications.

Measuring Epistemic Uncertainty

Let’s make a toy example and create some training data. Suppose we have 10 points of data. The x-value of each point is evenly spaced, and the y value is determined by adding some random noise to x.

This is our training data; let’s fit three models (10-degree polynomials) to it:

Three models, all fitting perfectly on the training data, and all evidently different.

In this toy example, each model fits perfectly on the data. This means that for any input that is identical to one of the points of the training data, the model perfectly predicts its y-value. However, the if we take any x-value other than that of the training set, the predictions will be wildly off, depending on which model we use.

This is the intuition behind measuring epistemic uncertainty: we trained three different models on the training data, and we got three different models. If we give each model an input, .25 for example, then the first model will give us 20 for its prediction, about -20 for the second model, and around -60 for the third. There is a high standard deviation between these predictions, meaning each model does not accurately represent that data point.

The epistemic uncertainty can thus be defined as the standard deviation of these three predictions, since wildly different predictions on otherwise similar models suggests that each model is guessing for that data point.

We can execute this procedure in practice by training several (usually 10) different models on the same training data, and during inference, take the standard deviation of each model’s prediction to estimate the epistemic uncertainty.

However, training 10 different models is computationally expensive and sometimes infeasible for deep learning models training on giant datasets. Fortunately, there is a simple alternative that uses a single model to estimate epistemic uncertainty, that is, by using dropout on inference time.

Dropout regularization, for those who are unfamiliar, is a technique that literally drops out random neurons of the network when training each batch during training. It is usually turned off at inference time, but, if we turn it on, and predict the test example 10 times, we can effectively simulate the approach of using 10 different models for epistemic uncertainty, since random dropout essentially results in a different model.

This approach is called Monte Carlo dropout, and it is currently the standard in estimating epistemic uncertainty. There are some issues with the approach, namely that it requires nearly ten times more computation during inference time relative to a standard prediction without an uncertainty measurement. Monte Carlo dropout is therefore impractical for many real-time applications, leading to the alternative usage of often less effective but quicker methods to measure uncertainty.


We have measured the epistemic uncertainty, but in reality, we must remain uncertain about that very uncertainty measure. Indeed, we can measure the uncertainty of our measurement by graphing the standard deviation against absolute error. If the aleatoric uncertainty remains negligible, then there should be a linear relation between our epistemic uncertainty measurement and the absolute error between the predictions and the labels of a test set on a regression task.

Estimate of epistemic uncertainty measurement’s accuracy on a regression task (SAMPL dataset)

A perfect uncertainty measurement should be a straight, positive-sloping line, so although the uncertainty measurement evidently correlates with absolute error (which is what we want), the measurement is imperfect.

This imperfect measurement is better than nothing, but what we really just did is add an uncertain proxy to represent uncertainty. Again, the proxy reduces uncertainty given the positive correlation, but the uncertainty remains.


What does this mean for doctors that might use uncertainty measurements? As of now, take the predictions of a deep learning model, whether it be the actual predictions of the label or its uncertainty measurements, with a grain of salt. The model cannot contextualize circumstances as a human expert might, so if a doctor finds that a model predicts a case which has evidently low aleatoric uncertainty (i.e. the data is high-quality and unequivocal) with high uncertainty, he or she is best to doubt the prediction on grounds of epistemic uncertainty. High epistemic uncertainty means the model was not trained optimally for the context of that particular case, and the model is just not generalizing well.

Indeed, one study directly supports this logic by illustrating that human experts are worse than deep learning algorithms in cases where the algorithm predicts with low uncertainty, but human experts outperform the algorithm on high uncertainty cases.

Uncertainty measurements are only metrics for the purpose of human understanding; they do not aid model performance at all. However, the performance of human-AI systems, on the other hand, directly benefit from uncertainty measurements.

Thus, measuring model uncertainty is not just a case of keeping humans passively informed; for it directly improves the performance of the broader system.


  1. Measuring Uncertainty
  2. Real-time Epistemic Uncertainty
  3. Human-augmented deep learning

And a thank you to DeepChem tutorials for originally introducing many of these concepts.



Adam Mehdi
The Startup

Thinking about AI & epistemology. Researching CV & ML as published Assistant Researcher. Studying CS @ Columbia Engineering.