One Day, You Will Be Forgotten

Sometime in the future, you’ll be but a distant memory

Tom Stevenson
The Startup


Tom Stevenson Instagram

This is a morbid sentiment, but ultimately, it is true.

There is no getting away from the fact that one day we will die. The further time advances past this point, the more we will be forgotten.

Life goes on. It waits for nobody.

No matter how famous you are, how many followers you have on Instagram, you will be forgotten once you leave this planet.

Some may think this is a depressing way of things. It may appear that way, but it isn’t. It’s a dose of reality.

The modern world is obsessed with celebrity. We have become more and more narcissistic. We are obsessed with selfies, documenting every mundane moment of our lives online.

We have become addicted to gratification. Yet, none of it truly matters. Your ultimate fate will not be denied because you have over 100k followers on Instagram.

We enter this life equal, that equality fluctuates during life when some become successful and others do not, but it returns when we all reach the grave.

It’s a humbling thought, and one we would do well to consider before we get ahead of ourselves.

