One Extraordinary Relationship Can Be Worth More Than Your Job

A job can give you a salary, but an extraordinary human being can lead you to a lifetime of opportunities you would never have been able to find yourself.

Tim Denning
The Startup
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2019


Illustration by EoArt / San Fernández

While chatting over the water cooler (known as the Zippo in our office), my colleague explained to me how the job I had accepted was not about the specific role at all.

She said, “I brought you here to make a relationship with an extraordinary person who one day might change your career. The job is secondary.”

What she was trying to explain to me was that our sales coach was one of those rare Yoda’s of the business world.

He had an amazing network, sage advice, decades of experience, was a good example of a family man, was calm under extreme pressure, had invested in startups with his own money, and could teach both of us more than we might have learned at work otherwise.

Even if I got fired the next day, that one relationship would have been worth more than the salary and the fancy job title.

Here’s why choosing a career based on one extraordinary relationship can produce phenomenal results.

That one relationship can lead…



Tim Denning
The Startup

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