One Month of Vlogging on YouTube — Here Is What I Have Learned

Fortune favors the bold

Nicole Linke
The Startup


Man holding a smartphone in front of his face. On the smartphone the Youtube logo is displayed.
Photo by Rachit Tank on Unsplash

In October 2022, I set up my Youtube Channel. In December of that year, I would quit my job and start my journey into solopreneurship.

I enjoyed writing on Medium and had some success with it, but I didn’t want to rely only on one platform to pay my bills.

I didn’t want to become a one-dimensional creator focusing on only one skill — writing.

Instead, I wanted to explore other art forms and create content on various platforms to connect with like-minded people and potential students.

And while I was active on Instagram, I stayed stuck trying to figure out how to grow an audience there. Then I saw another creator talking about how she got most of her Instagram followers through her Youtube channel. So I decided to give Youtube a go.

Well, sort of.

I set up the channel but didn’t upload a single video until June of this year.

And I only uploaded those first three videos because Neeramitra Reddy asked me to include links to exercises I described in one of the articles I wrote for IFAIH.

When I uploaded the videos for the article to my Youtube channel, I felt a massive surge of disappointment wash over



Nicole Linke
The Startup

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