One Year After the Leap of Faith

Tre Vayne
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJul 31, 2020


365 days ago I dropped everything and moved to LA to pursue my dreams, now what?

Overlooking New York City the summer after graduating college.

The rain pelted us and our wafer-thin plastic ponchos as Justin Trudeau stressed the importance of bipartisanship and environmental concerns from the center of Yankee stadium. I leapt up from my seat with the other members of New York University’s class of 2018 and passed a milestone I have been looking forward to for as long as I can remember — I graduated from college. But as I tucked my tassel to the left of my cap, the wave of excitement, pride, and joy I expected to feel never washed over me. Instead all I felt was an emptiness deep in the pit of my stomach. The year after graduation is the foundation for your career and with how things were looking, I knew that I was setting myself up for the failure and I thought there was no way to fix it.

I should back up a bit. Going into undergrad, I could not have been more lost. I had every intention on going to drama school and becoming a lead on a television series by my third year and dropping out of college because between my TV show, my podcast, and my hosting gigs I just could not be bothered with education. But that didn’t happen, instead I got cold feet about my creative endeavors and accidentally applied to college as a Psychology major. Seriously. The application asked which program I was applying to and without thinking, I…



Tre Vayne
The Startup

I am a writer, content creator, and comedian based in Los Angeles. Big fan of food, philosophy, and reality TV.