OriginTrail Data Exchange Platform For Supply Chains and Distribution On The Blockchain

Crypto Research by William Thrill
The Startup
Published in
9 min readMar 27, 2018

What Is OriginTrail

OriginTrail is the first data exchange platform that has been purposely designed, from the ground up, to support and improve the efficiency of supply chains and distribution.

The amount of data created by supply chains is vast, but the ‘one step down, one step up’ model of traceability prevents in depth analysis of data that could improve all processes along the supply chain.

OriginTrail addresses this problem by creating a self-sustaining ecosystem, within which all data is collected and standardized so it can be exchanged and utilized by interested parties.

The rise of blockchain technology promises advancements in many industries, however, whilst blockchain, in part, provides an ideal solution for decentralized platforms such as OriginTrail, the current technology like that employed by the Ethereum Blockchain, IOTA, or Hyperledger, still has major problems when it comes to scaling and overall cost when applied to sectors such as logistics and retail.

That’s why OriginTrail has developed its own platform that allows networks within the ecosystem to be built up any blockchain.

By creating a tailor-made solution, OriginTrail makes valuable data more accessible to those who are part of a supply chain, and in turn this serves to reduce costs, delivery times and the risk of error.

In addition to making valuable data more accessible, OriginTrail can also be utilized by consumers wishing to know the true origin of a particular item. This authentication feature will help reduce the risk of purchasing counterfeit, or hazardous goods.

Origin Trail (TRAC) Information

Research Date : February 9, 2018

CoinMarketCap URL : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/origintrail/

Coin Name : OriginTrail (TRAC)

Total Supply : 500,000,000 TRAC

Circulating Supply : 254,507,606 TRAC

Market Cap : $51,040,482 USD

Pre Ico Price : $ 0.08000000 USD

Ico Price : $0.200546 USD

Tokens/Money Raised Through ICO : $22,500,000 / 17928.3 ETH

Time Zone : UTC+01:00

White Paper : https://origintrail.io/storage/documents/OriginTrail-White-Paper.pdf

Token Type : ERC20

Why People Invest In OriginTrail?

There are several problems that prevent the exchange of valuable data generated by the many processes that take place along global supply chains. The team has identified two major issues that, if solved, will give way to the development of an effective decentralized data exchange platform

- Data is fragmented, which prevents collaborative analysis that could easily improve the efficiency of supply chains.

- Current blockchain technologies don’t yet have the performance required to manage interconnected data in a cost-effective manner.

How does OriginTrail work?

OriginTrail is an off-chain decentralized peer-to-peer ecosystem created for the purpose of negotiating services such as transferring, exchanging, processing and retrieving data. Users may also validate the integrity and availability of specific data sets, and data providers who contribute to the platform are rewarded for their input.

The network is geared toward developers creating supply chains, and users; ERP providers, IoT providers and software companies / in-house supply chain technology teams, all of whom may benefit from the exchange of data to increase trust, optimize supply chain efficiencies, automate compliance and enforce quality assurance processes.

OriginTrail Decentralized Network and Blockchain

This decentralized data exchange protocol incorporates three main components, known as the OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN). The ODN is responsible for all data management and connectivity functionalities.

1. Data layer: in order to leverage the data accordingly, the platform uses decentralized graph databases, which are optimized for connections and easy to query. They also serve as a suitable base from which to develop new data models (technology currently utilized by enterprises such as Walmart, eBay, and Adidas).

2. Network layer: built on a distributed hash table based on Kademlia, this layer comprises of all users, or nodes, on the peer-to-peer network, all of whom contribute storage and bandwidth to the network. Here data creators provide supply chain data to node, and replace it over a specific number of data holders to ensure it’s more accessible and does get lost should a number of users experience technical issues.

3. Decentralized apps (dApps) layer: these are the applications that carryout processes such as certification, compliance, alerts, tracking origins of products and product recalls.

These three components are built upon a layer that contains the blockchain technology. The current, prototype version of OriginTrail runs on the Ethereum blockchain as proof of concept, however once the implementation is complete a full version will be release that will be compatible with many different blockchains.

Building the platform in such a way does not tie the platform to any particular blockchain technology, in which case users may adopt whichever one best suits their needs and capabilities. This allows OriginTrail to stay current, and implement future technology that is no doubt likely to come. In addition, those already using preferred cryptocurrencies can start using the network hassle free, with no transfer/exchange fees.

Data Input

Data generated by a supply chain can be presented in different formats, e.g. dates like 01/02 that can be both the first of February and the second of Jan. To avoid this issue and facilitate overall interoperability, all data submitted to OriginTrail will be standardized within attributes of an XML file.

OriginTrail adopts widely used GS1, IOT and compliance standards to and focus on the EPCIS framework to ensure compatibility with existing ERP systems.

From this model the team has created a standardized interface format to assist with data input, either via a web service or XML. The two mechanisms have been rigorously tested in a production environment since 2014 when the initial centralized version of the platform was released.

The EPCIS framework supports the OriginTrail protocol for several reasons. The framework is designed to be:

· Layered: The data itself is kept separately from sensitive data regarding the service, provider and consumer. This allows for variation in the concrete details whilst maintaining the highest level of security for the common data.

· Extensible: In addition to the core data sets provided by the platform, the ability to able to extend these sets will provide a path for standardization to grow and evolve, instead of becoming more fragmented, conflicting, and ultimately, useless.

· Modular: Thanks to the layered, extensible architecture, the EPCIS framework can be applied to different documents, whilst remaining coherent across the entire framework. This allows further implementation to facilitate scaling.

Types of data supported by the platform include (but not limited to):

· Master Data: data shared by one trading partner to many trading partners, that provides descriptions of real-world entities identified by GS1 Identification Keys. This may include trade items, parties and physical locations.

· Transaction Data: trade transactions triggering or confirming the execution of a function within a business process as defined by a supply contract (explicit) or procedures like customs processing (implicit), from the moment the order is placed to the final settlement, whilst also making use of GS1 Identification Keys.

· Visibility Data: uses keys to identify details about the physical or digital activity in the supply chain of products and other assets. The details may include where objects are in time, and why.

The data itself isn’t stored on the blockchain; instead OriginTrail provides its own data storage layer for all supply chain related data. All data uploaded to the network is stamped with a unique ‘finger print’, this is then stored on the blockchain to create an immutable record of the data, as well as a encrypted way of retrieving the information when requested.

Data on the network stays encrypted at all times, whether being shared or just stored, and the unique architecture removes the possibility of collusions and makes all providers accountable for the data shared.

When data is sent a consensus check is performed to verify there are no discrepancies between the information provided by different stakeholders. Each stakeholder must be approved by the previous and so on, which creates a chain of accountability. A Zero Knowledge Proof mechanism will then ensure private information matches, without revealing the information itself. Once data is successfully verified and exchange, the provider is compensated for providing the information.

OriginTrail public beta testing

The first version of the OriginTrail platform has already been deployed in the food industry, and following shortly afterward, the next open source version will be fully compatible with any product supply chain.

Pilot programs are now being run in Europe, and China. Those interested may contact the team for further information.

Social Media Information :


URL :https://www.facebook.com/origintrail/

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Staff / Team Info :

Name :Tomaž Levak

Title :Co-founder & CEO

Bio : On a mission of building transparency in supply chains since 2011. Managed tech projects in Europe & Middle East. H-Farm alum.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomazlevak/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/tomazlevak

Name :Žiga Drev

Title :Co-founder & COO

Bio : Managing stakeholders in complex supply chain setups in Europe & Asia. Speaker on international conferences.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/%C5%BEiga-drev-%E8%90%A8%E6%A0%BC-%E5%A4%9A%E9%9B%B7%E4%BC%8D-a2778861/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/DrevZiga

Name :Branimir Rakić

Title :Co-founder & CTO

Bio : MSc in Electrical & Computer Engineering, foodie and maker. Optimizing telecom networks since 2011, bringing supply chain on blockchain since 2016. Part time lecturer at SAE Institute, electronic music afficionado, H-Farm alum.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/branimirrakic/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/branarakic

Name :Maja Voje

Title :CMO

Bio : Growth Marketer & Strategist. Google & Rocket Internet alum, international speaker, ran a successful Kickstarter campaign, Udemy lecturer, ICO rater at ICObench

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/majavoje/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/majavoje

Name :Sava Savić

Title :Data Interoperability Expert

Bio : 7 years of experience as Microsoft ERP consultant, 1 year as financial auditor in KPMG, solutions arhitect, business analyist & data integration. PhD candidate on statistical methods in E-business. Cryptominer.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/sava-savic-34671331/

Extra Links :-

Name :Aleksandar Veljković

Title :Blockchain Developer & Big Data researcher

Bio : Teaching assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. PhD candidate. Research topics: Blockchain & Big Data.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandar-veljkovi%C4%87-9a617456/

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Name :Vladimir Lelićanin

Title :Senior Software Lead

Bio : Software developer with 22 years of experience in extensive range of web and mobile technologies and complex applications. Academic lecturer for 7 years and Head of Department for Web Development at SAE Institute Belgrade.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/vladimir-lelicanin/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/vlelicanin

Name :Filip Radojković

Title :Full Stack Developer

Bio : Software Engineer and JavaScript developer. Over 4 years of experience in development for web & mobile.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/filipjerichoradojkovic/

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Name :Žarko Stamenić

Title :Product Designer

Bio : Architect gone Digital. Combining timeless principles with the latest technology to enhance the product and customer experience.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/zarko-stamenic-65904526/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/zarko_stamenic

Name :Ana Bevc

Title :Marketing

Bio : Experienced digital marketing, PR, project & event manager. Crafting OriginTrail’s messages since 2016.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/anabevc/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/anabevc

Name :Nino Pirtovšek

Title :Finance & Accounting

Bio : Deloitte & PwC alum. Experience in corporate finance, capital markets, business optimization, reorganization, IBR’s and audit.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/nino-pirtov%C5%A1ek-0718153a/

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Name :Anže Voje

Title :PR & Communications

Bio : Communications specialist. 6 years of experience in communications of both corporate & blockchain projects. Master of Business Administration.

LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/avoje/

Extra Links :https://twitter.com/nekdodrug

Name :Nikita Abrashkin

Title :Web developer

Bio : Experienced craftsman of the web, music and film.

Name :Aleksandra Jelenić

Title :Supporter Success & Support

Name :Irena Čuturić

Title :Supporter Success & Support

Company Address : Ljubljana, Ljubljana Slovenia

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Crypto Research by William Thrill
The Startup

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