Paging3 — Doing Recyclerview Pagination the Right Way

Jetpack Paging library release version 3.0.0-alpha03 is full of new features and is Kotlin first with a pinch of Coroutines & Flow 😊.

Vikas Kumar
The Startup
Published in
14 min readSep 13, 2020



Paging3 is one of the new Jetpack libraries for managing and loading a large chunk of the dataset from various data sources efficiently. It allows us to load pages of data from the network or local database with ease and saves our development time. Paging3 is designed to follow the Android app architecture and coordinates with other Jetpack components. It is Kotlin first and works with some of the new async threading solutions like Coroutines and Flow and of course, it has the support for RxJava & LiveData users as well.

How it’s different:

  • It caches the paged data in-memory for better usage of the system resources which not only gives fast response but also helps in data loading without hiccups.
  • It handles the network request duplication very elegantly hence saving the user’s bandwidth and system resources.
  • A much flexible Recyclerview Adapter which requests & loads the data gracefully whenever the user reaches near the end of the page, yes now adapter is controlling when and what to load with a one-time setup.
  • It is Kotlin first means the whole library is written in Kotlin and works very well with other offerings of the Kotlin like Coroutines and Flow. Also, it supports the much-used libraries like RxJava and LiveData as well.
  • It has inbuilt support for error handling, retry and refresh use cases.

Paging3 & Application Architecture:

When I say Paging3 works and integrates well with our application architecture is means that it sits in all the basic layers of our application like Repository -> ViewModel -> UI and makes it very easy to understand and include in our existing flow. Have a look below to understand it visually.

Paging3 and App Architecture

PagingSource: It is a generic abstract class that is responsible for loading the paging data from the network. To implement PagingSource we need to define the Page Key type in our case it will be of type Int and the response data type from API in our case it will be DoggoImageModel.

RemoteMediator: It is responsible for loading the paging data from the network and local DB. This is a good way to implement paging since in this case, our local DB is the main source of data for the paging adapter. This method is much more reliable and less error-prone.

Pager: This API consumes whatever the RemoteMediator or PagingSource returns as a data source to it and returns a reactive stream of PagingData. It can be returned as a Flow, Observable, LiveData as shown in the above diagram.

PagingData: This is the final return type and something that PagingDataAdapter understands and has the original data type inside it. It acts as a paging data container.

PagingConfig: This is our paging configuration class here you can define how the PagingSource should be constructed means you can define how much data should be there on each page and many more options are there to customize our PagingSource.

PagingDataAdapter: This is the primary UI component that is responsible for presenting the data in the RecyclerView. It consumes the PagingData as the input type and listens to its internal loading events. It loads data after fine graining using DiffUtil on a background thread, so expect no hiccups while adding new items on the UI thread.

So what’s the plan?

We will be creating a small Doggo android application to exploit 😄 the new Paging3 library different use cases and see how different implementations of data source works with newly introduced Coroutines and Flow as well as RxJava and LiveData. We will try loading data from local Room DB as well as hot network calls. I know we have covered a lot of heavy definitions and terms but as we go ahead and implement them it will start to make sense and looks easy once we implement them so bear with me a bit longer 🙇.

Before we start:

We need to add this compulsory dependency of Paging3 available in google maven.

implementation "androidx.paging:paging-runtime:3.0.0-alpha03"
//optional dependency for RxJava support
implementation "androidx.paging:paging-rxjava2-ktx:3.0.0-alpha03"
//optional room db
implementation ""
implementation ""
kapt ""

I have added those above along with few other dependencies like Retrofit, Coil, Navigation, Lifecycle LiveData, ViewModel have a look here at the full dependencies snapshot. Ok now dependencies are in place let’s start with the implementation of the Paging3

Network as a Data Source 🌐:

In our 🐶 application, we will be fetching the list of all the cute dogs from the remote network using the TheDogApi API service. It seems my love for dogs is now showing into my medium articles as well 🤷‍♂️, you can create an application for cats 😻 if you want. Let’s define our API service endpoint as we do use a retrofit.

interface DoggoApiService {

suspend fun getDoggoImages(@Query("page") page: Int, @Query("limit") size: Int): List<DoggoImageModel>


Please note the important thing here, the page & limit which is important for our Pagination /Endless scrolling /Lazy Loading. The param page is here to keep track of the current page for which we will be requesting new data similarly the limit defines how much data we need per page. These keys might be different for your API so add them accordingly to the definition.

We have completed the first part of our API call now let’s see how Paging3 helps us automate this process of pagination. PagingSource is the way to go here since we are going to use remote network API as the data source. so let’s create a class DoggoImagePagingSource and implement PagingSource like below. Here I have passed the DoggoApiService which we have created earlier so that our PagingSource can call our doggo API and get results. Apart from this while inheriting from PagingSource we need to define the type of paging our API supports in our case it is simple Int based number paging and the return type of the API response that is DoggoImageModel. Now we have implemented the PagingSource let’s dig and get familiar with the load function.

DoggoImagePagingSource load function

params: Keeps the basic information related to the current page for which API needs to be called and the page size.

LoadResult: It’s a Kotlin Sealed class and we can return LoadResult.Error(exception) in case of exception or some error and in case of success we will return LoadResult.Page from load() function. If for some reason data is not available and might have reached the end of the list then pass null as the value for prevKey or nextKey to indicate the end of the list condition.

Inside the load() function we call the doggo API service to get the data from the network passing the current page and page loadSize. The current page can be retrieved from params.key which is null on start so we will assign a default value in that case. Click to see full DoggoImagePagingSource class implementation.

We have just completed our first phase according to the app architecture diagram defined above. Now we need to configure and return PagingData with the help of Pager class. To do it let’s create a DoggoImagesRepository class. Inside this class let’s define a function that returns the reactive stream of PagingData<DoggoImageModel> using Pager class.

fun letDoggoImagesFlow(pagingConfig: PagingConfig = getDefaultPageConfig()): Flow<PagingData<DoggoImageModel>>{           //TODO

now to construct Pager we need PagingConfig first. This allows you to change various configurations related to the paging like page size, enable placeholders, etc. Here we are just returning a very basic PagingConfig instance.

fun getDefaultPageConfig(): PagingConfig {
return PagingConfig(pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, enablePlaceholders = false)

Now the second thing that Pager needs is the PagingSource which we have created earlier i.e DoggoImagePagingSource. Let’s assemble these two to return a reactive PagingData<DoggoImageModel> like below. Click to see full DoggoImagesRepository.kt

Now, this almost completes the second phase we just need to call this from ViewModel class where we can modify the returned PagingData or perform some collection actions like mapping or filtering if needed and many more Flow related operations can be done which is a quite interesting addition. If you are working with RxJava then just call .observable or .liveData on Pager() if you are working with LiveData.

Let’s create RemoteViewModel class and expose the data from the repository to the UI components by adding the following methods in our ViewModel. See full RemoteViewModel here.

for showing the mapping operation on Flow we have here tweaked the data type from Flow<PagingData<DoggoImageModel>> and mapped it to Flow<PagingData<String>> you can always return whatever you want.

Note: If you’re doing any operations on the Flow, like map or filter, make sure you call cachedIn after you execute these operations to ensure you don't need to trigger them again.

Let’s move to our final stage of implementing paging with the network as the data source. We are going to club the data returned from RemoteViewModel functions to our customized PagingDataAdapter in the fragment. We have created a basic RecyclerviewAdapter extending the PagingDataAdapter have a look here 👇. The only difference you might have noticed here is that in this new adapter we are passing implementation of the DiffUtil to the PagingDataAdapter constructor, I guess the rest is quite understandable and is regular Recyclerview adapter implementation.

let’s see how we can pass the data to this adapter from UI. Just call this function from your activity or fragment life cycle methods like onCreate() or onViewCreated() to collect the created flow in the view model. You can subscribe to the Rxjava Observables or Observe the LiveData if you are returning the same from view model class functions. See here the full implementation of our RemoteFragment class.

That’s it if you run this setup now it will produce the following output 👏.

Remote Paging

I hope some of you are still with me to see this 😄. Now, this completes our basic Paging3 implementation. Next, we will see how to add a progress loader to this adapter for automatically handling the error cases and will add a try button to fetch again.

PagingDataAdapter with loading states:

This enables our adapter to have the additional capability of handling the error cases automatically and loads the right state accordingly.

error handling in an adapter

To leverage this feature Paging3 comes with additional LoadStateAdapter just create an adapter and extend to it. This is again no different than our regular Recyclerview adapter the only difference is that it gives LoadState as the data type then our regular data model. This is quite helpful in knowing in which state is the paging adapter right now. Here is our implementation of the LoadStateAdapter.

we can use this LoadState sealed class to react accordingly. It returns three states Loading, Error, NotLoading. We are hiding the retry button in case the adapter returns LoadState as Loading and showing a progress bar. Now let’s see how we can use this newly created adapter with our existing created RemoteDoggoImageAdapter.

noting much here, we have just created an instance passing a higher-order function in the constructor which calls adapter.retry() function on RemoteDoggoImageAdapter and second thing we did is we called withLoadStateFooter(loaderStateAdapter) function on the RemoteDoggoImageAdapter passing our newly created loaderStateAdapter. Let’s run to see this in action.

Paging3 with load states

Room as a data source:

We can use local DB for pagination as well and it’s good to provide offline support as well. If you do offline content support and don’t know how to leverage local DB for your paging use case then this feature is made for you 😎. In this case, the local Db will be the only source of data and whenever needed it will get new data from the network. So it handles both the cases where we need to fetch the new data from the network and save it to the local DB and UI will observe this to reflect new changes.

To support this type of paging first we need to create some local DB. Here we are using Room as our local DB. Let’s create some entities quickly to save our API response model as well as paging related info Entity.
We have converted our existing data class DoggoImageModel to a Room Entity.

data class DoggoImageModel(@PrimaryKey val id: String, val url: String)

Our model is quite simple since we are just taking a URL to show images from API. Next, we need some Dao as well for this newly created Entity. So do something like below.

interface DoggoImageModelDao {

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertAll(doggoModel: List<DoggoImageModel>)

@Query("SELECT * FROM doggoimagemodel")
fun getAllDoggoModel(): PagingSource<Int, DoggoImageModel>

@Query("DELETE FROM doggoimagemodel")
suspend fun clearAllDoggos()


Next, create an Entity to store the paging information for offline paging which Paging3 needs while making paging assumptions.

data class RemoteKeys(@PrimaryKey val repoId: String, val prevKey: Int?, val nextKey: Int?)

Dao for RemoteKeys

interface RemoteKeysDao {

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertAll(remoteKey: List<RemoteKeys>)

@Query("SELECT * FROM remotekeys WHERE repoId = :id")
suspend fun remoteKeysDoggoId(id: String): RemoteKeys?

@Query("DELETE FROM remotekeys")
suspend fun clearRemoteKeys()

Now we are ready with our Entities and Dao’s let’s assemble them in one place and create an AppDatabase class to provide the room database object for use.

This is the same thing we do while creating regular Room DB nothing special but here comes the complicated part of this article 😬. Let me now introduce you guys to RemoteMediator this class is responsible for getting the results from the Db for pagination and whenever needed it gets the fresh data from the network as well and saves it to the local DB. This manages both the network and local DB and coordinates with both of them to perform the pagination.

We gonna create a class DoggoMediator to implement the RemoteMediator.

class DoggoMediator(doggoApiService: DoggoApiService, appDatabase: AppDatabase) :
RemoteMediator<Int, DoggoImageModel>() {

override suspend fun load(
loadType: LoadType, state: PagingState<Int, DoggoImageModel>
): MediatorResult {

here we are passing DoggoApiService and AppDatabase for performing network and DB related operations. RemoteMediator is quite the same as PagingSource where we defined the page type as Int and passed DoggoImageModel as the data model the same thing we need to do here as well. Let’s dig and understand the load() function here:

  • MediatorResult: As we can see it’s a return type of this function and it can be MediatorResult.Success for success case and MediatorResult.Error for error cases.
  • LoadType: This tells us where we need to append the data in the page. It can be of the following types.
    LoadType.APPEND: Means we need to load the new data at the end of the page.
    LoadType.PREPEND: Means we need to load the data at the beginning of the previously loaded data.
    LoadType.REFRESH: Means this is the first time we are loading data for pagination.
  • PagingState: It holds the information related to the recently accessed index in the list and some information related to the pages which have been loaded earlier. This gives information about the paging configuration which we add while returning Pager.

We need to do the following to complete the load() function for the mediator.

  1. Find out what page we need to load from the network, based on the LoadType.
  2. Trigger the network request.
  3. Once the network request completes, if the received list of repositories is not empty, then do the following:
  • We compute the RemoteKeys for every DoggoImageModel.
  • If this a new query (loadType = REFRESH) then we clear the database.
  • Save the RemoteKeys and DoggoImageModel in the database.
  • Return MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = false).
  • If the list of DoggoImageModel was empty then we return MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = true). If we get an error requesting data we return MediatorResult.Error.

Let’s distribute the work into functions for more clarity on what is going on.

Create a function called getFirstRemoteKey() which returns RemoteKeys for the loadType=LoadType.PREPEND. It basically gets the first page from PagingState and queries the database with the id of the DoggoImageModel.

* get the first remote key inserted which had the data
private suspend fun getFirstRemoteKey(state: PagingState<Int, DoggoImageModel>): RemoteKeys? {
return state.pages
.firstOrNull() { }
?.let { doggo -> appDatabase.getRepoDao().remoteKeysDoggoId( }

now let’s create function getLastRemoteKey() for the loadType=LoadType.APPEND and return the RemoteKeys as below. This queries the last page from PagingState and queries the database for RemoteKeys.

* get the last remote key inserted which had the data
private suspend fun getLastRemoteKey(state: PagingState<Int, DoggoImageModel>): RemoteKeys? {
return state.pages
.lastOrNull { }
?.let { doggo -> appDatabase.getRepoDao().remoteKeysDoggoId( }

create last function getClosestRemoteKey() for the loadType=LoadType.REFRESH in case of first time data loading or we have called PagingDataAdapter.refresh() from UI.

* get the closest remote key inserted which had the data
private suspend fun getClosestRemoteKey(state: PagingState<Int, DoggoImageModel>): RemoteKeys? {
return state.anchorPosition?.let { position ->
state.closestItemToPosition(position)?.id?.let { repoId ->

The point of reference for loading our data is the state.anchorPosition. If this is the first load, then the anchorPosition is null. When PagingDataAdapter.refresh() is called, the anchorPosition is the first visible position in the displayed list. So the above function calls state.closestItemToPosition() to get the closest DoggoImageModel.

Let’s club these functions into one function and return a result based on LoadType.

* this returns the page key or the final end of list success result
suspend fun getKeyPageData(loadType: LoadType, state: PagingState<Int, DoggoImageModel>): Any? {
return when (loadType) {
LoadType.REFRESH -> {
val remoteKeys = getClosestRemoteKey(state)
remoteKeys?.nextKey?.minus(1) ?: DEFAULT_PAGE_INDEX
LoadType.APPEND -> {
val remoteKeys = getLastRemoteKey(state)
?: throw InvalidObjectException("Remote key should not be null for $loadType")
LoadType.PREPEND -> {
val remoteKeys = getFirstRemoteKey(state)
?: throw InvalidObjectException("Invalid state, key should not be null")
//end of list condition reached
remoteKeys.prevKey ?: return MediatorResult.Success(endOfPaginationReached = true)

The first point for loading page type is now done now fill the rest of the load() function as per given points which is easy to follow. Here is a full implementation of the load() function after fill up.

This completes the DoggoMediator. Now let’s see how we can call this mediator from the repository to get the reactive PagingData. Add the following function in the DoggoImagesRepository class.

fun letDoggoImagesFlowDb(pagingConfig: PagingConfig = getDefaultPageConfig()): Flow<PagingData<DoggoImageModel>> {
if (appDatabase == null) throw IllegalStateException("Database is not initialized")

val pagingSourceFactory = { appDatabase.getDoggoImageModelDao().getAllDoggoModel() }
config = pagingConfig,
pagingSourceFactory = pagingSourceFactory,
remoteMediator = DoggoMediator(doggoApiService, appDatabase)

again you can return Observable and LiveData which is the same as we have done for PagingSource implementation. Calling this from ViewModel is the same nothing changed except the function name.

fun fetchDoggoImages(): Flow<PagingData<DoggoImageModel>> {
return repository.letDoggoImagesFlowDb().cachedIn(viewModelScope)

If we tie this up with our UI PagingDataAdapter then it will produce some output like below.

Paging with room

There are more cool features in the Paging3 Jetpack library and is under active development. Here is the full repository for this article feel free to fork or pull to see the implementation in details.

Note: Paging3 Jetpack library is under Alpha and was recently launched in June 2020.

