PC Users in Denial About Apple Silicon Performance

Leading up to Apple’s first ARM computer release and even today, a lot of people, especially PC users have been skeptical.

Erik Engheim
The Startup


For a while I have been reading comments and discussions going between Mac and PC fans on Apple’s transition from x86 to ARM based CPUs (Apple Silicon). There has been a loud and persistent insistence that an ARM based chip cannot possibly compete against AMD and Intel workhorses.

People who have spent a small fortune building a large gaming rig with a dozen fans, liquid cooling and overclocking to the max, don’t want to hear that some CPU used in slim boutique cell phones can somehow compete with their monsters.

But the “unfortunate” reality for them, is that Apple has rapidly gained on Intel and now surpassed it. This isn’t just Apple bragging and exaggerating. Today we have countless benchmarks by independent testers verifying the same overall picture. AnandTech is one example, Arstechnica another. Their Cinbench 5 tests against the other CPUs used for laptops shows the M1 beating the competition both in singlethreaded and multithreaded performance tests.



Erik Engheim
The Startup

Geek dad, living in Oslo, Norway with passion for UX, Julia programming, science, teaching, reading and writing.