Pinterest for PR

I’m not a baker. I loathe DIY projects. But I’ve discovered recently what an amazing resource Pinterest is for business.

Elisa Smith
The Startup
3 min readJul 14, 2018


For the past few months I’ve been “pinning” and filing away infographics on a number of topics, including public relations, blogging, social media, marketing and productivity. Here are four of my recent favorites, that offer advice on:

Media Relations

Source: Kantar Media

This infographic was created back in 2014, but the information is still very relevant. Media relations isn’t just about pitching stories and building relationships- this image reminds me how important it is to have a well thought out strategy and to measure your success.

Social Media

Source: Sprout Social

We are more than halfway into 2018, but in our business it’s important to try to predict — or at least be on top of — current trends. For example, this infographic notes the rise of popularity on Instagram due to the success of Instagram Stories. They noted that Instagram “isn’t done adding features” to the platform and they were right — the June launch of IGTV is giving brands another way to experiment and engage with their followers.


Source: Digital Marketer

Everyone suffers from writer’s block from time to time, especially if it’s an activity you have to do professionally. This infographic offers some great ideas to help kickstart your creativity and get readers to engage in your posts. Bonus points if you can tell what ideas I’ve incorporated into this post.


Source: Funders and Founders

Lastly, I leave you with a life hack. I refer back to this infographic often — it offers advice on how to make your day more productive and live a simpler life. I especially appreciate the tips for “How to Start the Day” and “How to Work Fast”— as it’s too easy to get distracted while working (squirrel!).

Happy pinning!

Have you found any great “pins” that have helped you in your work or personal life? If so, hit me up in the comments!

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Elisa Smith
The Startup

First shift: PR professional | Second shift: Wife and boy mom | Find me at: