Plotter, Pantser, Architect, Gardener

EV Emmons (Elizabeth)
The Startup
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2019


The broad spectrum of Writing Method and How to Discover Yours

Image by Chris Barbalis/Unsplash

Writers can be a helpful bunch, eager to discuss and share what works best for them.

How they approach their work is no different, but the best method is sometimes up for debate.

Two camps exist when it comes to writing method — ‘pantsers’ and ‘plotters,’ or as George R. R. Martin of Game of Thrones fame calls them, ‘gardeners’ and ‘architects.’

The methods are self-explanatory. Pantsers/Gardeners prefer to make up their stories as they go.

They are not confined by an outline and have the freedom and flexibility to change things as they work. Writing is exciting because it’s as great a mystery to you as your future reader.

The drawback to this method is that when there is no established plan or direction for the story to take, it’s easier to get blocked. And once you get blocked, you procrastinate because you don’t know what to do next.

Plotters/Architects are writers who prefer to create detailed outlines (blueprints)and timelines about the characters and plot direction. They know how every chapter is going to go because it all leads to the final outcome. It’s more difficult to become blocked and start procrastinating when you know exactly what you have to do to…



EV Emmons (Elizabeth)
The Startup

Author of The Sinistrati, Eternity Awaits, and Write Here, Write Now! Eater of chocolate, drinker of tea. Shorts published in Unbreakable Ink Volumes 1 & 2.