Podcasts Are the New YouTube

The Podcast Phenomenon

Diana Rus
The Startup


Podcasts have been around since 1980 and were called “ audio blogging”, but became more popular in 2004 due to the advent of broadband Internet access and portable digital audio playback devices like iPod. Podcasts are similar to radio shows, but more popular because you can choose the topic you and listen to any time of the day.

How did Podcasts become so popular?

More people are starting their podcasts, even if they are YouTubers, Instagrammers, business owners, or just a person with a normal 9–5 job. So many people are starting to have a podcast because you don’t need a lot of money to start and you need just to have something to talk about. And let’s be real, you will never remain without a discussion topic. There are a lot of interesting subjects than happened in the past and happen right at this moment that is a good topic to debate.

It’s easy to understand why they are so popular. Why would you wait for your radio/tv show that talks about your favorite topic when you could listen anytime and listen to one of your favorite public people. Youtube is offering almost the same thing…

