Police Reform: Immersive Technology can Transform Law Enforcement

But we have to go beyond current application to bring change

Louis Byrd
The Startup


Whenever a cop car pulls up beside or behind me while driving, I get nervous. My mouth becomes dry, leading to that little white crusty stuff in the corners of my lips. My breathing becomes irregular, and my heart speeds up enough for me to feel the anxiety consuming my body.

Becoming a father has killed the speed demon inside me. I don’t drink much alcohol, so a DUI is not on my radar. I don’t smoke weed, so you won’t find any nickle or dime bags in my glove box. I don’t even ride with the beat slappin’ from my Boise speakers in my Jeep.

In other words, I’m a saint when it comes to the law. Only thing I may be considered guilty of is DWB, Driving While Black.

History has taught us law enforcement and being Black is like mixing oil and water.

Growing up my mother programmed me to respond a certain way around police officers. If ever pulled over keep both hands on the steering wheel; be respectful; drive with your license in a high visible location; keep your insurance and registration near by; only move when instructed to do so; make good eye contact, but do not stare or mean mug; memorize their badge number and name.



Louis Byrd
The Startup

Tea Lover | Creative + Engineer | Chief Visionary Officer at Zanago | Woke before it was a trend!