Practical Tips for your Job Search in COVID-19 Times

Liliana Nakamura
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMay 9, 2020


Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Aside from the enormous number of victims that COVID-19 has unfortunately produced over the past months, we are witnessing a significant impact on people’s careers all around the globe. In almost all imaginable sectors, employees have been furloughed or laid off, and companies have put hiring on hold. The “survivors” are anxious about keeping the jobs they still have.

Before the disruption, perhaps many people had believed, consciously or unconsciously, that their jobs were safe and stable. Nobody had imagined that things will change so drastically in a matter of weeks. Nevertheless, it’s not the time to give up, as new job ads are appearing every day and hiring activities have increased in certain industries.

First things first…

In times like this, the initial reaction may be of panic. It’s okay to feel that way, but take some time to cope with the stress and assess your situation before starting your job search.

  • Use this Stress Management Resource to ground yourself. The World Health Organization has this great publication and short audio clips with exercises for stress management: access them here.
  • Identify your fears clearly. Take a piece of paper and make a chart with two columns: write down your specific fears in one column and the…



Liliana Nakamura
The Startup

HR Project Manager, learning designer & facilitator, world traveler, avid networker. Fluent in 3 languages. LinkedIn & social selling expert.