Prepare for the Dystopian Future of Social Media

When will social media evolve into a social rating system?

The Startup


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Social media is often not a true representation of who we are in real life. We choose what side we show people online, and we often show the highlights of our life and exclude the low points.

So what would happen if we bridge the gap between social media and reality? If we have to become the picture-perfect image we have created for ourselves online, in real life?

With modern technology and our constant desire for popularity and acceptance, it’s easy to spend many emotionally draining hours on social media each day perfecting our online image.

Social media used to be a whole lot simpler and much less of a burden than it is today. A few years ago, we could post an image on any online platform without second-guessing the reaction it may cause.

We weren’t always trying to capture the perfect moment or looking for the perfect angle, lighting or edit. We didn’t obsess over the number of likes or followers; we just enjoyed connecting with our friends.

With the speed that social media development is progressing, we shouldn’t expect it to slow down any time soon. How long will it take before social media evolves into something more real, and how…



The Startup

Seeking balance in a chaotic mind by leading a simple and mindful life. Join me on my journey.