Prepare to Be the Expert

Think differently about how you prepare your presentations

Russell Rowe
The Startup


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

It Starts With Preparation

The reason most presentations don’t land the way people want them to is not that they weren’t engaging enough with their body language, eye contact, or vocal variety. It’s not because they weren’t confident or skilled enough. It’s most likely because they neglected a crucial part of the process.

Those other things are all important and will be necessary when you’re delivering your presentation, but getting the techniques right and building confidence starts well before you’re standing in the room with your audience. It starts with preparation.

What I’ve found impacts people’s confidence when delivering a presentation more than just about anything is their preparation. There are two ways preparation can be a problem. Either people don’t spend enough time preparing or they don’t understand how to prepare effectively. Many times it’s a combination of both. You don’t always have control of the time available to prepare, but you can control the effectiveness of your preparation.

Nothing to Prove

Effective preparation for a presentation is less about how much time you spend preparing and more about how you spend your time…



Russell Rowe
The Startup

I’m passionate about helping people become better communicators.