Pretotype, Prototype, and Protoproduct Your Ten Cent Idea Into A Million Dollar Product

Every idea must tested and improved before it scales.

Thomas P Seager, PhD
The Startup
Published in
11 min readJul 2, 2019


If you’re anything like me, then once or twice in your life, you probably had a million dollar idea that you never did anything with… and as a consequence, you never made any money.

I don’t mean self-driving cars. We all thought of that.

I mean the stuff like Bill “the idea man” (played by Michael Keaton) from the 1982 movie Night Shift thinks of.

Most of us bemoan our lack of execution on our great ideas. We think “If only I had (filed a patent, started a business, sold the idea), I’d be a millionaire!”

In How Do You Know You Have Good Idea I wrote about the necessity of testing ideas in conversations with people who will help you improve them. Every organization needs a group of people capable of assessing the quality of new ideas, and making them…

