Priced Out of U.S. Real Estate? Buy A Sea-View Home In Europe For Under $100K

From Spain to Bulgaria, there’s plenty to choose from.

Greyson Ferguson
The Startup
Published in
7 min readSep 4, 2024


Photo by orva studio on Unsplash

Have you priced the cost of a house lately?

If you have and managed to not fall out of your seat congrats. The average home price in the United States at the end of 2023 was $495,100 (Forbes). Half a million bucks.

Sure, you could head to Burlington, Iowa, where the median house costs $132,000, or set your sites on Arkansas, where the average home goes for $252,000. So, yes, there are “more affordable” options, but unless those destinations tickle your fancy, you might be stuck where you are.

Worse yet, with how banks lend money, you might not even qualify to buy a home, even if the mortgage rate would be lower than your rent.

It can become incredibly overwhelming. What are you supposed to do? People like to say the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but what are we supposed to do when having our own grass isn’t even an option?

Is the concrete grayer on the other side?

Sometimes, the only option is to move outside of the U.S.. Yes, packing up your life and moving to another country isn’t realistic for everyone. Maybe you have a kid in high school and you want to…



Greyson Ferguson
The Startup

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: