Source: My nephew… problem free and present on Christmas day 2018

Problems don’t exist in the present

“… so why not spend more time there.”

The Startup
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2019


Do you ever dwell on past events, wishing you done things differently?

Do you ever wish the weeks away, living only for weekends?

Do you ever catch yourself daydreaming, wishing you were somewhere else?

This is how many people spend their days, lost in thought, either projecting into the future or dwelling in the past.

But life is now.

Think about it. Is it ever not now? Is it ever not the present moment?

When you recall an event from the past, you recall it in the now. It is a memory trace, which can only be experienced in the present moment. It might seem real, but can you touch it, feel it, or act on it? No, you cannot.

It’s the same for future events. Can you touch, hear, or feel the future before it is now? Of course not. You can only imagine a probable future, which can only be done in the now.

Nothing ever happens outside of the present moment. Everything you’ve ever experienced, or will experience, happens in the now. EVERYTHING.

Problems don’t exist

Problems are not real. They are simply projections of your mind. Does this statement…



Brian Pennie, PhD
The Startup

Change is possible. I write to show that | Recovered heroin addict turned doctor.