Pushing the Last Frontier of Data Analysis Democratization With BigQuery Data QnA

Or how to enable your organization last-mile employees to benefit from the data-driven transformation without overloading the IT department

Luis Velasco
The Startup


Photo by Jorge Salvador on Unsplash

If you are like me, and you have devoted a good chunk of your professional career to the world of data analytics in the enterprise, I guess the following story will sound very familiar to you:

“You are tasked with a new mandate: — coming from the top management of the company — to transform the organization towards [insert most hyped buzzword at that time] lets say data-centric or data-driven. After a saga of countless meetings and long committees, great news! It is finally decided to invest a couple of million or so in software, hardware and consulting/implementation services.

Following a few months of hard work, your team and yourself manage to implement a shiny new Data Warehouse. The quality of its data is acceptable, at best, but hey!, the reports and dashboards that your IT department has created look pretty good.

The BI sugar rush lasts for a couple weeks but then … you discover that something is happening: business processes remains the same! The groups of users that have to make decisions —



Luis Velasco
The Startup

Data, ML and everything in between. Working @ Google