Pushing Through When You Feel Like You Absolutely Can’t

What to do when even “the best version of yourself” has had enough

Martina D.
The Startup


Make space to process incidentals. /Photo: isco

By default, I always expect some kind of a big life event, or a disaster, to disturb my routines, my writing, or the way I work on my business.

But my reality seems to be the opposite — it’s the everyday stuff that more often than not turns out to be the main enemy.

Things that seem small but coming out of nowhere they mess up your headspace. Things you know you should have expected but they still surprise you. And things you can’t influence in any way, but they still stress you.


It’s when your strained neck to shoulder muscle hurts so much you can’t hold your head up even with a combo of painkillers, a stick-on heat patch, and a scarf.

It’s when your sales have dropped and you have no idea why, despite investigating.

It’s when an old chimney shaft at the back of your 1870’s house suddenly leaks rain all the way down to your ground floor flat.

It’s when you know you really should make a start on taxes but you’re stressing your accountant will judge you on your earnings. (And also dread facing the full numbers yourself, let’s be real.)



Martina D.
The Startup

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://buildmomentum.substack.com