Put On Your Big Girl Panties And Deal With It

Money Trouble Sucks

Elle Fredine
The Startup


When we hear of someone’s money troubles, our first response is often, “Oh, poor guys,” or we shiver and think, “There but for the grace of God…”

Many of us are only one paycheque away from disaster.

But after reading someone’s stories of their other half’s crazy spending, or how their recent divorce cleaned them out, or how an addiction (theirs or a loved one’s) has led them to financial ruin, our compassion begins to take on overtones of judgement-passing and a tinge of self-righteousness.

We ask ourselves how they could have put up with such nonsense for so long. We wonder they were so easily or repeatedly taken to the cleaners. We marvel at their lack of savvy about credit and credit cards.

We feel superior, smarter — we would never make those mistakes. It’s easy to point the finger scorn from our moral high-ground.

But we need to climb down from the little pedestal we’re standing on and admit the big, bad, scary truth. Financial hardship could fall upon any one of us.

Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash



Elle Fredine
The Startup

West-Coaster, born and bred; Weekly Tales in fiction, dark/horror/fantasy, poetry, humor, feminism, writing, relationships, and love