Quick tips and hacks to remove white lines in Outlook emails.

holly bourneville
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2020


If you have ever tried building an email with HTML you will know how annoying it is to get it working perfectly across all browsers and operating systems. Usually all my major problems happen with Outlook.

One problem I consistently run across is white lines appearing between my sliced images. See Below — these can be either horizontal or vertical.

arrghhh! outlook errors!

Luckily I have some quick tips and hacks that will usually solve most of these!

  1. Match the background colour of your table to the colour of your email.

The most simple and easiest hack! It won’t work for the example above because the image has different colours but if you are lucky enough to have the white lines showing on a solid background simply change the bg colour of your table to match the image colour. See below for an example.

change bg colour of the table to match your sliced image

If you have different colour sections in your email, you can simply nest tables and change the colour of the nested table instead…



holly bourneville
The Startup

Hi Im Holly! I’m from New Zealand. I’m in my first job as a Front End Web Developer and want to share my learnings and thoughts along the way!