Raumly Sat Down with Mr. Luis González Vaqué to Discuss Sharing Economy

5 min readSep 29, 2020
Luis González-Vaqué — Director of Food and Agrarian Policies of the “Fundació Triptolemos” (Barcelona)

Hey guys! We are Raumly, an emerging online platform that offers tech-driven solutions to find shared spaces and equipment in North-Rhine Westphalia. We are based in Bonn and have a small dynamic team of individuals who want to make a change in the way we consume resources.

We at Raumly strongly believe in collaborative consumption and the growing potential of sharing economy.

This week we had the pleasure of interviewing the Director of Food and Agrarian Policies of the “Fundació Triptolemos” (Barcelona), Mr. Luis González Vaqué.

If you don’t know who he is, let us give you a brief about his glorious contribution to the Agriculture and food economy in Barcelona, Spain. Finishing his education in Consumer and Food Law in 1965, he diligently worked to provide sound legal advice in this field for the next 15 years.

In 1980, it was time for him to step up as Legal Adviser of Prosema, organiser of “Alimentaria”, the International Food Show of Barcelona. Since taking that step he has never looked back.

He has worked with numerous leading organizations during his extraordinary career such as the Council of the European Food Law Association (EFLA), Food, Plant and Animal Law Services of FAO, in Rome (Italy), and others.

He also has a strong belief in the emerging sharing economy and how it can change the world for the better. When we at Raumly got to know this, we were not going to leave our chance to know his views on the same.

That’s why we sat down with him and asked a few questions regarding the same. It did add to our perspective on sharing economy and gave us the motivation to dig in even more to bring out the best services on our platform.

We wanted to share the knowledge with you and hence read on to know what we asked and what he had to say.

1. Could you please tell our readers a bit about you and when did you sense that Sharing Economy has potential? How did you venture into it?

My interest in the sharing economy was the result of the first motions and documents of the European Parliament on this subject. I immediately sensed that it had a promising future, but that it also posed some problems, for example with regard to taxes and workers’ rights.

I am particularly interested in the development of this collaborative economy in the food sector, to which I have dedicated a large part of my professional career from a legal perspective.

2. What do you consider to be the driving factors for customers to dive into sharing resources and collaborative consumption?

From a socio-political perspective, I believe that citizens should value its more equitable character and the more direct relationship between users and consumers that the shared economy implies. However, getting this message and information to our compatriots is not easy nor obvious.

3. Do you think the millennial and GenZ population is more inclined towards sharing resources? If so, why?

They are our future and I hope they know how to amend our mistakes and improve the current economic system; anyway, although I am generally optimistic, in some cases there is a deed in young people a tendency to deviate towards in solidarity and new individualism …

4. So, currently Covid-19 hit the market and affected businesses. It’s definitely made people skeptical about sharing things. How do you think this segment could make a comeback or come into focus again?

There are many and very diverse opinions about what will happen when, finally, thanks to a vaccine, the current pandemic ends: some think that everything will improve, that people will be ‘better’, more generous and responsible. I’m afraid not … I think everything will go back to the way it was before, for better or for worse. The sharing economy and those who support and / or perform it will have to continue to struggle against the opposition of some lobbies and the indifference of the majority. We will still need a long period to inform and convince our fellow citizens of its advantages.

5. Do you see sharing economy/resources having any environmental impact as it’s portrayed in the media?

As I have said before, it is necessary to make a great informative effort; to date, the media have disseminated only partial or fragmentary information about conflictive sectors of the collaborative economy. I repeat: it is about informing exhaustively and convincing our fellow citizens with the veracity of a friendly solidarity economy, effective and at a human level.

6. Any closing remarks that you’d like to add

I will not fatigue of repeating it: the sharing economy must be seen and understood for what it is, not as it sometimes seems to be, or even in some cases, it is … a method to take advantage of workers, evade taxes, and so on. Authenticity, efficient work, advantageous results, and good information should be the three columns on which to support this new future that we all want.

It was certainly a pleasure to talk to Mr. Luis González Vaqué about the impact the sharing economy can have on our future. We sincerely thank him to take time out of his busy schedule and do this interview with us. We are fortunate to know him and stay in touch with him in the future to build the sharing economy space efficiently.

Through this interview, our team at Raumly understood the need to inform the crowd exhaustively about the benefits of sharing resources and collaborative consumption. We also got an insight into how millennials and GenZ can be elementary in promoting the sharing of resources. Moreover, how they are carving a niche of new individualism through the sharing economy.

This interview also gave us know-how about how under the guise of sharing economy most major companies might be exploiting worker’s rights and taxes.

As an emerging sharing platform like ourselves, we decide to learn and consider new perspectives in this field from visionaries such as Mr. Luis González Vaqué.

Now that you have reached the end of the post, we would leave you with this question, ‘What are your views on sharing economy and how can we build a sustainable future with it?’

Comment down below your views. We will be glad to engage in a further discussion on the same.




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