Read This If You’re Tired Of Being Asked ‘So What Do You Do, Really?’

Being a creative freelancer is a real job

Maria Garcia
The Startup


Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels

Coming to terms with the fact that you don’t fit into a box is liberating and lonely all at once.

I quickly came to realize that I wasn’t made to do just one thing. Nor was I made to do something that already exists. The creator in me always wanted to build things in everything she did.

Although the world as we know it today is a lot more receptive to non-traditional career paths, it’s still adjusting. And as such, the out-of-the-box creators are still often underestimated or considered skeptically.

Until they’re making money of course…

I don’t know about you, but it still bothers me when people ask me “but what do you do, really?” As if the multitude of freelancing and creative projects I do didn’t equate to “doing”.

I used to feel somewhat offended by this question, or worse, turn to self-doubt, asking myself if I was in fact doing enough. But I’ve come to realize that really the question should be why is it that we still discredit creators in our society? The ones who walk the path less traveled on and take both a professional and social risk.

