Read This When Life Feels Hard

These ideas help me. Maybe they’ll help you, too.

Linda Smith
The Startup


Some days, life just feels hard.

We all know the feeling. World events feel overwhelming, we have a fallout with a friend, we get some unexpected bad news that stops us in our tracks. Something triggers us, and it’s difficult to regain our footing.

Or maybe life feels hard and it’s difficult to pinpoint a reason. You wake up one morning and things just feel heavier than they did the day before.

Inevitably, life is a mixture of ups and downs. It’s part of the human condition. Our emotions are a spectrum. Some days are good, some days are not.

If we’re lucky, most of our days fall somewhere in between, hopefully even leaning towards the good. Most days we feel a mix of emotions, delight and sadness, wonder and worry, and the average of these feelings puts us somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.

Sometimes, even inevitably, though, life simply feels hard. It may last only a few hours, it may last much longer. Your world seems to shrink to yourself and these suffocating emotions that seem to have no end in sight.

You wonder how you ever felt otherwise.

You wonder if you’ll ever feel happiness again.



Linda Smith
The Startup

content creator | creative | coffee-enthusiast | Enneagram 9