Recalibrate Your Ego And Your Side Hustle Will Quietly Fall Into Place

That will eventually lead to a job-quitting endeavor

Jon Brosio
The Startup


"I just keep reminding myself, there are stupider people who have done it — so I'll be just fine"

One of my friends once said that to me while we were getting coffee. We hadn't seen each other in a long time and we were catching up about work, life, and relationships. He was talking about this new side hustle he was working on. The side hustle had to do with creating a YouTube channel. Sure, it's not a project to be taken lightly. The confidence of my friend was contagious, however.

He told me of all the plans he had for his channel. The conversations he was going to have, the guests he would invite, the community he could build. This dude wasn't even selling me anything but I was a few moments away from pulling out my wallet and handing him over a few Benjamins.

What came of my friend's side hustle?

Nothing. Nada. Zip.

I guess you can say, the stupider man won

Perhaps you've experienced something similar to this. You've pulled out your laptop and seen scores of "idiots" making a name for themselves via their business and thought, "Hell — if they can do it, surely I can" only to find…



Jon Brosio
The Startup

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