Robotics Startup Landscape (source: Bastiane Huang)

Redefining Robots: Demystify Next Generation AI-Enabled Robotics

This is the first in a series about the impact of robotics and artificial intelligence on various industries and the future of work. In upcoming articles, we’ll talk about how deep reinforcement learning (DRL) unlocks the potential of robotics, the corresponding challenges and opportunities, and how all these will affect us in terms of productivity, employment, and life. Through these articles, we hope to encourage constructive and thoughtful discussions that can guide people through the AI hype and collectively make the right decisions we want to live within the age of artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Bastiane Huang
The Startup
Published in
9 min readOct 5, 2018


Redefining Robots: Demystify Next Generation AI-Enabled Robotics

When speaking about robots, people tend to imagine a wide range of different machines: Pepper, a social robot from Softbank; Atlas, a humanoid that can do backflip made by Boston Dynamics; the cyborg assassin from the Terminator movies…

