Reflecting On My Unsuccessful E-Book

Tough lessons on the reality of selling, writing, and the creative process.

Chris Wojcik
The Startup


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

When it comes to my online writing career, I’ve tried to model the best of the best.

I’ve written a metric-crap-ton of articles and blog posts, I’ve written on several different platforms, and I’ve started an email list to help me gain readers and “fans” for my writing. I did all the things that they say you’re supposed to do as an online writer to build your following.

I set up my accounts, and then, I just buckled down and wrote a lot.

I did this for an entire year. I spent an entire year writing online before I even thought about creating a “digital product” that I could sell. Eventually, I decided to write an ebook. Over the holidays, I buckled down and put the words on the page, and by the end of January, I was “done” with my first ebook.

However, when I finally did publish my ebook, my launch and early sales couldn’t have gone worse. I was surprised and frustrated by this failure.

These are my biggest takeaways from investing 2 months of my life into writing an unsuccessful ebook.

Ideas are fun, but ideas don’t sell products.

