Registering the Application in Spring Cloud Data Flow Server

Sharath Chandra Akarapu
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2020

In this article, I will be listing out the steps to register the application in Spring Cloud Data flow server dashboard.

  1. Start the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server and login to the dashboard.

Note : Prerequisites for this would be Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Jar should be downloaded locally and have been installed. Look into my other article for the steps to download and set up the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server(

Command to start the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server:

Run the below command:

java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-server-2.4.2.RELEASE.jar

Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Logs
Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Start up Logs

Above images show that the Spring Cloud data flow server has been started successfully. Launch the below url and you would be navigated to the dashboard screen http://localhost:9393/dashboard/#/apps

Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Dashboard
Spring Cloud Data Flow Dashboard

2. Click on the Add Applications link.

3. Select the Register one or more applications radio button in the screen.

Register one or more Applications.

4. Enter the Name of the Application and choose the type of the application and enter the URI for the app that you would want to register in Spring Cloud Data Flow.

For Example:

5. Click on the Register the Application button.

6. App would be successfully registered and will be shown on the dashboard.

Registration Confirmation

7. Once the Application is successfully registered, next step would be creating the task and launching it from the dashboard. Click on the Tasks link on the dashboard screen.

Task Link

8. Click on the Create task link.

Task Create Page

9. Drag the Spring Cloud task box into the flow chart, associate start and stop tags as shown below.

Task Flow Page

10. Click on the Create Task. You will be navigated to the Confirm task page as show below.

Confirm Task Creation Page

11. Task has been successfully created.

Task has been successfully Created.

12. Click on the Play button on the tasks page to launch the particular task.

Launch Task Page.

13. You can provide the Arguments and Parameters that are needed for the task to run successfully. For the Current application that has been registered we don’t need any Arguments or Parameters to run it as it is a Simple Application.

Task Launched Successfully

14. Click on the SpringCloudTask hyperlink and you will be navigated to the task summary page.

Task Summary Page.

15. Click on the Executions tab on the task summary page to view the details about the execution of the task.

Task Execution Details

16. Click on the Execution ID hyperlink and you will be navigated to the page that shows you the logs of the application and also shows you if you there were any parameters that are passed to run the task.

Task Execution Information

17. The other way to check the logs of the task application is to get the path of the logs from the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Console

Path for the Logs
Start up Logs For Spring Cloud

This concludes the steps to register the application in the Spring Cloud Data Flow Dashboard and launch it successfully.

For this article, I have created a sample Hello World Spring Cloud Task Application and used it as an example.

