Ricky Gervais on Chasing Your Dream, Doing the Work and Living a Creative Life

The People Who DO #1: Ricky Gervais

N.A. Turner
The Startup


Photo by Todd Antony

“You should bring something into the world that wasn’t in the world before. It doesn’t matter what that is. It doesn’t matter if it’s a table or a film or gardening — everyone should create. You should do something, then sit back and say, ‘I did that.’” — Ricky Gervais

Everyone has dreams, but most people don’t take action on achieving them. That’s a shame. You will always wonder: “What if?”. I get it, there are many obstacles and fears that go with following one’s dream. What will my friends think? How am I going to make a living? But the people who achieved their dreams and goals in life did it.

So what can we learn from them in order to break free from our fears? To blast through those obstacles. I’m on a quest of doing it myself as well.

We are mesmerized by the “success stories”, unfortunately telling ourselves “I’ll never be able to do that.” Why not? Because you actually have to follow your passion? Because you get to be creative every day? Because you get the most fun out of your day?



N.A. Turner
The Startup

I write about writing & creativity. Short story writer and novelist. Amazon best-selling author. Free eBook with writing tips: bit.ly/TurnerMail