Role of artificial intelligence (AI) in attrition risk management

Manjunath Dharmatti
6 min readJan 14, 2023


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In my previous blogs we discussed Role of AI in Employee Engagement.

In today’s blog let us understand the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Attrition risk management.

Let us first understand what Attrition is

Employee attrition refers to the loss of employees from a company over a certain period of time. This can include employees who leave voluntarily, such as through retirement or resignation, as well as those who are terminated or laid off. Attrition can be measured in a variety of ways, such as by the number of employees who leave over a given period, or by the percentage of the workforce that is lost over a certain period.

Reasons for employee attrition

Attrition can be caused by a variety of factors, including

1. Low job satisfaction,

2. Lack of opportunities for advancement,

3. Poor work-life balance

4. Poor management and many others.

High attrition rates can be costly for a company, as they may result in increased recruitment and training expenses, as well as a loss of valuable knowledge and experience. Companies may use a variety of strategies to manage employee attrition, such as improving employee engagement and job satisfaction, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and providing career development opportunities.

In modern era companies are making use of AI to identify the potential risk of employee attrition and also to find the solutions to mitigate the risk proactively.

Attrition risk management

Employee risk management refers to the process of identifying and assessing potential risks. Attrition risk management is the process of identifying and addressing the potential risks to a company’s workforce related to employee turnover. High attrition rates can be costly for a company, as they may result in increased recruitment and training expenses, as well as a loss of valuable knowledge and experience. To manage this risk, companies may implement a variety of strategies such as:

1. Improving employee engagement and job satisfaction: This can be done through employee surveys, focus groups, and other methods to understand what employees need to be happy and engaged in their work.

2. Offering competitive compensation and benefits: This can include things like salary, health insurance, retirement plans, and other incentives that can help attract and retain employees.

3. Providing career development opportunities: By offering training, mentoring, and other opportunities for employees to advance in their careers, companies can help ensure that employees are motivated and engaged in their work.

4. Improving employee retention strategies: This can include measures such as exit interviews, stay interviews, and employee retention programs.

5. Monitoring and analyzing turnover rates: This can help companies identify which employees are most at risk of leaving and develop targeted retention strategies.

6. Building a positive company culture: Building a positive company culture can be achieved through open communication, promoting work-life balance, and fostering a sense of community among employees.

The aim is to reduce the turnover rate and keep the best employees.

Now let us understand how AI can contribute to attrition risk management and its limitations.

Artificial Intelligence in Attrition risk management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play an important role in attrition risk management by helping companies identify and predict factors that contribute to employee turnover. Some examples of how AI can be used in this context include:

1. Predictive modeling: AI-powered predictive models can analyze large amounts of data on employee demographics, job performance, and other factors to identify patterns and predict which employees are most at risk of leaving.

2. Employee sentiment analysis: AI algorithms can be used to analyze employee feedback and social media data to identify patterns in employee sentiment that may indicate dissatisfaction or disengagement.

3. Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can be used to provide employees with quick access to information and resources, such as benefits and career development opportunities, which can help reduce the risk of turnover.

4. Intelligent automation: Automating routine and repetitive tasks can help employees to focus on more meaningful and fulfilling work, which can help to improve engagement and reduce the risk of turnover.

5. Identifying High-risk employees: Identifying employees who are most likely to leave, AI can help companies to prioritize retention efforts and target interventions to those employees who are most at risk of leaving.

6. Personalized retention strategies: AI can help companies personalize their retention strategies by identifying the specific factors that are contributing to turnover for individual employees.

By using AI to analyze data in attrition risk management, companies can gain a more accurate understanding of why employees are leaving and proactively develop more effective strategies to keep them.

Below are a few examples of AI helping to identify the attrition risk.

1. Use of machine learning algorithms to predict which employees are most likely to leave a company. This can be done by analyzing data on employee performance,

2. Using AI to analyze data on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and turnover from multiple sources for e.g., social media, email, chat to identify key drivers of employee engagement and predict potential turnover.

An organization started tracking employees who download payslips of last 3 months using an AI tool. Employees download payslips of last month's generally when the new employer asks for it. It's a general tendency of employees to download 3 payslips together who are considering resigning.

3. Using AI to analyze data on employee attendance and punctuality to identify patterns that may indicate an employee is considering leaving.

4. Using AI to analyze data on employee skills, training and development opportunities, to identify employees who may be at risk of leaving due to lack of growth opportunities.

AI tools can recommend the required training to develop an individual’s skills.

5. Using AI to analyze data on employee compensation and benefits to identify patterns that may indicate an employee is considering leaving or already left.

6. Using AI to analyze data on employee demographics, such as age, gender, education, to identify patterns that may indicate an employee is considering leaving.

Limitation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Attrition risk management

While Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a powerful tool in attrition risk management, there are several limitations to consider:

1. Data Quality: The quality of the data used to train AI models is crucial for the accuracy of the predictions. If the data is incomplete, inaccurate, or biased, the AI model may not produce reliable results.

2. Ethical concerns: AI-based predictions are only as good as the data used to train the model, so if the data contains bias, the outcome will be too. Also, there’s a risk that some employee’s privacy could be compromised.

3. Limited interpretability: AI models can be complex and difficult to understand, making it challenging to interpret the results and identify the underlying factors that contribute to employee turnover.

In one of the used case, we discussed about employees downloading payslips of last 3 months together may always not necessarily quit. I have a habit of downloading payslips every month. If I forget downloading payslips of last 3 months and I download them all together that does not mean I am also resigning.

4. Lack of human perspective: AI models do not have the human perspective, emotions, and understanding of the context of the employee’s situation, which could be important in certain cases.

5. Dependency on technology: AI-based attrition risk management systems rely heavily on technology, so if there’s a technical issue or a system failure, the company may not be able to access the predictions and insights they need to manage turnover effectively.

6. Limited scope: AI-based attrition risk management systems can only analyze data that is available in the system, so it may not be able to identify all the factors that contribute to employee turnover.

It’s important for companies to understand these limitations and use AI in conjunction with other strategies and methods to manage employee turnover effectively.

Keep in mind that AI is a tool, not a silver bullet. It’s important to ensure that the data used is of good quality, and to make sure the outcome of the AI model aligns with the company’s values and ethics.

In the next blog we will discuss the role of AI in compliance and reporting.



Manjunath Dharmatti

I have almost 2 decades of working experience in the fields of people analytics and cloud technology,. I always look HR from technology angle.