Run Your Business Intelligence Using Presto & Superset, Backed By OpenDataHub and OCS Openshift Operators

Shon Paz
The Startup
Published in
8 min readDec 22, 2020
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

The Big Data world is making its way towards Kubernetes and we already see many Data Processing and AI/ML products building their solution around Kubernetes to assure stability, scalability, and availability.

Until now, most of the solutions were VM based, with no orchestration, automation, or config management layers above, which caused those solutions to be less scalable and a little bit of a pain.

With Kubernetes, we can provide far more scalable solutions, that are fully automated and will preserve their state after failures.

With the will to run Big Data workloads on Kubernetes, comes the need for a simple solution that will cover most of the organizations’ use cases in order to create a common language, save the manpower, and base the engineers’ skills around one component.

To do so, Many organizations are looking at Presto, A distributed SQL query engine that can retrieve data from multiple sources such as Elasticseaerch, Cassandra, SQL, and S3. With the help of presto, you could build your knowledge across SQL with no need to create your own scripts and converters which eventually create organization silos, and stop you from reaching your business goals.

Presto’s ability to query S3 solves a lot of difficulties coming from the Big Data world. Organizations are mainly focusing on throwing all their data to a Data Lake, to store structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data coming from IoT devices, Social media, internal systems, etc. With the integration of the two, you could base your organization across Presto, whether it’s for BI or for training your AI/ML algorithms.

In this Demo, I’ll show you how you could use the Openshift Container Platform to run a Presto cluster using Stratbust’s Presto Operator that will manage our cluster’s entire lifecycle. In addition, We’ll use Openshift Container Storage for both Object and Block Storage to store our queried data. For the data analysis part, we’ll use the Open Data Hub operator that will provide us the ability the connect Superset to presto in order to perform some BI analysis.

Let’s get started!


  • A running Openshift 4.6.3 cluster
  • An available S3 service (Mine is provided with OCS4.6)
  • A running OpenDataHub cluster


S3 Service Preparation

To start the demo, first Let’s take a look at our installed operators under the openshift-storage project, to verify we have the Openshift Container Storage operator fully installed:

Now that we have our operator Installed and the StorageCluster fully up and running, let's verify that the Ceph cluster backing up our storage solution is fully operational. To do so, we'll enable the tools pod, which will allow us running Ceph commands:

oc rsh -n openshift-storage $(oc get pods -n openshift-storage | grep rook-ceph-tools | grep Running | awk '{print $1}')

Now We’ll run ceph -s to make sure our cluster is in a healthy state:

$ ceph -s  cluster:
id: 571a7398-d050-429f-83b0-f758e42e024b
health: HEALTH_OK

mon: 3 daemons, quorum a,b,c (age 13m)
mgr: a(active, since 13m)
mds: ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem:1 {0=ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem-b=up:active} 1 up:standby-replay
osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 13m), 3 in (since 13m)
rgw: 1 daemon active (s3a.a)

task status:
scrub status:
mds.ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem-a: idle
mds.ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem-b: idle

pools: 10 pools, 176 pgs
objects: 305 objects, 87 MiB
usage: 3.1 GiB used, 1.5 TiB / 1.5 TiB avail
pgs: 176 active+clean

client: 938 B/s rd, 45 KiB/s wr, 1 op/s rd, 2 op/s wr

We see that our cluster is fully operational, we can create an S3 user that we’ll give presto to interact with our OCS S3 service:

$ radosgw-admin user create --display-name="odh" --uid=odh      
"user_id": "odh",
"display_name": "odh",
"email": "",
"suspended": 0,
"max_buckets": 1000,
"subusers": [],
"keys": [
"user": "odh",
"access_key": "HC8V2PT7HX8ZFS8NQ37R",
"secret_key": "Y6CENKXozDDikJHQgkbLFM38muKBnmWBsAA1DXyU"

Great! now we have our S3 service ready for us to interact with.

Upload Data to our S3 bucket

In this section, we’ll upload a pre-created JSON to an S3 bucket so that Presto will be able to query it. Let’s create some configuration for awscli:


Important! use the same credentials that you have created in the previous section so that Presto will be able to see the created bucket.

The JSON file, accounts.json preview:

{"name": "Michael"}
{"name": "Shimon", "age": 30, "country": "Israel"}
{"name": "Melissa", "age":12, "country": "Spain"}
{"name": "Shon", "age":24, "country": "Spain"}
{"name": "Jake", "age":28, "country": "US"}
{"name": "Kate", "age":50, "country": "Hungary"}
{"name": "Aaron", "age":35, "country": "Africa"}

Now let’s create a bucket and upload our JSON file to the S3 bucket:

$ aws s3 mb s3://processed-data --endpoint-url$ aws s3 cp accounts.json s3://processed-data/accounts.json/ --endpoint-url

Important! for Presto to create a schema the object should be placed inside an S3 prefix (folder). In the real world, this phase is handled automatically, as your ETL pipelines will probably process data (Bronze-Silver-Gold) and will throw all the processed objects to the Gold bucket, in our case, it’s the processed-data bucket.

Deploying our Presto cluster

In order for Presto to save metadata, we use Hive. As Hive needs a place to save all the information about schemas and tables, a PostgreSQL cluster should be deployed in advance.

To do so, we’ll use the oc command to create our deployment:

$ oc create -f

Let’s verify the PostgreSQL database is fully operational:

$ oc get pods 

postgres-68d5445b7c-fpp8x 1/1 Running 0 46

Now let’s see our PostgreSQL cluster bounded a PVC coming from our RBD storage class:

$ oc get pvc 

postgres-pv-claim Bound pvc-452121cc-c46f-4444-9424-113f00587e6e 5Gi RWO ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd 14m

Great! our PostgreSQL cluster is ready consuming data from OCS! Now let’s create our presto cluster, before we do so, we’ll install the Presto Operator coming from the Operator Hub:

First, we’ll create a secret that Presto will use to access our S3 service, this secret will contain our S3 access and secret key:

$ oc create secret generic aws-secret --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="HC8V2PT7HX8ZFS8NQ37R" --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="Y6CENKXozDDikJHQgkbLFM38muKBnmWBsAA1DXyU"

We'll point to Presto to pull the credentials from this secret.

Great, now we can create our cluster, to do so, we’ll use the oc command to create a Presto CR to the Presto Operator, which will eventually create our cluster with all the needed config:

$ oc create -f

Important! make sure you modify both hive.s3.endpoint and s3Endpoint to point to your S3 service. If your S3 service is located within the Openshift cluster itself, you should the S3 ClusterIP service IP address to work with path_style, for example:

$ oc get svc -n openshift-storage | grep rgw                                                                                  
rook-ceph-rgw ClusterIP <none>

Now that we have the S3 IP address, we can put it in the Presto CR so that Presto could use it. Let’s verify our Presto cluster is fully operational:

$ oc get pods                                                                                                                 
hive-metastore-presto-odh-5fd66d5848-w84cw 1/1 Running 0 6m46s
postgres-68d5445b7c-fpp8x 1/1 Running 0 13m
presto-coordinator-presto-odh-84cf47f6f9-22wx2 2/2 Running 0 6m46s
presto-operator-877cb866b-7fmkd 1/1 Running 0 10m
presto-worker-presto-odh-7864984fc5-m4jjg 1/1 Running 0 6m46s
presto-worker-presto-odh-7864984fc5-rp85m 1/1 Running 0 6m46s

Great! we have all the needed resources to start querying our S3 service! To do so, let’s connect to our coordinator pod:

$ oc rsh $(oc get pods | grep coordinator | grep Running | awk '{print $1}')

Now we’ll connect to the presto-cli shell to start running some queries:

sh-4.4$ presto-cli --catalog hive 
presto> CREATE SCHEMA hive.accounts WITH (location='s3a://processed-data/accounts.json/');

We are telling Presto that we want to create a schema that will be located on a specific prefix (folder) in our S3 bucket. Now let’s create a Table that will be mapped to the JSON we’ve uploaded earlier:

presto> USE hive.accounts;
presto:accounts> CREATE TABLE accounts (name varchar, age int, country varchar) WITH (format = 'json', external_location = 's3a://processed-data/accounts.json/');

We’ve switched our context to use the created schema, then created a table that maps all the columnar fields to the JSON keys we have in our S3 bucket, finally told Presto that the file sitting in the bucket is in JSON format.

Tam Tam Tam! our moment has arrived :)

Now let’s query our table:

presto:accounts> SELECT * from accounts;
name | age | country
Michael | NULL | NULL
Shimon | 30 | Israel
Melissa | 12 | Spain
Shon | 24 | Spain
Jake | 28 | US
Kate | 50 | Hungary
Aaron | 35 | Africa
Aaron | 35 | Africa
(8 rows)

Jackpot! we’ve just SQL queried a JSON located in our S3 bucket!

In a real production environment, you’ll definitely won’t work with the presto-cli and you'll need a more intelligent solution, to do so' we'll use Superset to start doing some BI work.

To do so, We’ll use the Open Data Hub operator that will provide us with a full deployment of superset:

Now that we have Superset installed, let’s login to it to integrate Presto with it. To do so we’ll search for its route so we can access it externally:

oc get route 

Now login to the Superset UI, with the admin:admin credentials, unless mentioned otherwise.

Go to DataBases --> Add Database and add our accounts database, located on Presto as our database (you should use your Presto ClusterIP service to connect Suprtset with it). Finally hit the Test Connection button to verify all is good:

Now navigate to SQL LAb → SQL Editor and start querying our accounts database:

We can hit the Explore button in order to create a chart and add it to a dashboard, I’ve created some in advance and it looks like this:

Here we’ve used the accounts table coming from Presto and created some BI dashboards that are suitable and beneficial for our business. This can improve decision-making dramatically.

Great! We’ve just created our first BI work on Openshift!


We saw how we can run SQL queries against the S3 service, which were all located on Openshift and provided by fully-managed operators as part of the Openshift Operator Hub. This will allow a lower TTM and faster business goals as all is handled under one single platform — BI, Data Processing, Storage products under one umbrella.

Hope you found this interesting, see ya next time :)

