How to Scale Your Service Business and Find Freedom

By turning it into a productized service — Great for freelancers, consultants, and entrepreneurs who are looking for a business with a predictable revenue model and a freedom lifestyle

Marilyn Wo
The Startup


Scaling a service-based business is hard because there is only so much time we have to deal with client’s customized requirements. Hence, most of us have to limit the number of clients we work with.

I used to prefer keeping my graphic design freelance business small to avoid having to hire and manage people. It was fun working on client work on my own and I couldn’t imagine passing off something I was doing to someone else. I wasn’t sure anyone else could do things my way.

After my first kid was born, things changed. There was no way I could care for my baby while helping my clients at the same time. I had to be “there” to speak with each client, work on their designs and deliver them on time.

I was tired of trying to be at all places at one time.

Then I came across people packaging their services and hiring the right people to deliver these services. The term used was “productized services”, “service products” or “done-for-you” services: a way to…

