Scaling Agile to Create “Frictionless IT”

How Enterprises Can Work Differently in the Digital Era

Ryan S.
The Startup
Published in
10 min readNov 21, 2018


Creating a modern and flexible operating model for IT is no easy feat. Many technology organizations are still operating as a “service provider” to their business units, rather than a strategic partner. The moment this model becomes a problem is often when the business begins to move quickly or veer from the plan. For most companies undergoing a digital transformation, that time is happening now.

The foundation of much of enterprise IT is the budget under which they operate. Unfortunately, in many organizations, technology teams are still simply looked at as a cost centre. This means they are seen as not contributing to the profit of the business. This is amplified when the tech teams themselves have this mindset.

In these organizations, traditional IT planning likely occurs annually, with fixed budgets allocated to a combination of projects and maintenance. The planning process is likely onerous, involving iterations of prioritization alongside business partners until a solid baseline of work is established. Then, the planned projects are resourced and work begins. Projects usually relate to an application or system — either enhancements to something that exists or delivery of something new.



Ryan S.
The Startup

Product Person. Beer Nerd. Traveller. Writes about software, culture, and innovation. In constant search of the best coffee, tacos, and IPAs in a city near you.