Science Isn’t Truth. It’s Something Better.

Rhett Allain
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2020


Image: Rhett Allain. The moon.

You probably know of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Yes, he’s one of the voices you hear from the government regarding the current COVID pandemic. He’s also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

He seems to be the voice of reason during this time of crazy ideas. So, people pretty much trust him and like him. Currently he is pushing against the nation’s anti-science basis. Here is something he said on a recent Department of Health and Human Services podcast.

“When they see someone up in the White House, which has an air of authority to it, who’s talking about science, that there are some people who just don’t believe that — and that’s unfortunate because, you know, science is truth,”

It seems clear that the White House and President Trump in particular are no fans of science. However, the end of this quote just isn’t correct. Science is not Truth.

But what’s wrong with The Truth? If you have something that’s true, then it can’t change. Science changes. Oh, you need an example? Let’s do it.

Humans have come a long way in our understanding of the universe. Before 1904, the most common idea of the atom was that they were tiny indestructible things that everything was made of. In fact, the word…



Rhett Allain
The Startup

Physics faculty, science blogger of all things geek. Technical Consultant for CBS MacGyver and MythBusters. WIRED blogger.