Scrap the Business Plan and Do This Instead

When I set up shop 26 years ago, I wanted to create a sustainable career. To do it, I needed to create a life.

Polly Campbell
The Startup


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

This morning I made breakfast for my teenager, then took her to school. Made it to my dentist appointment by 8 a.m. Checked in on a friend, after. Put together a new client proposal and wrote a chapter, secured an interview for my podcast, folded the whites, drafted a blog post and met my husband for a late-afternoon golf game.

A full schedule for sure. But, all in a day’s work. And that’s exactly how I want it.

More than two decades ago when I left my job in public relations to become a full-time writer, I wanted to create a thriving business. But I also wanted to build a life worth living. One that was diverse and interesting, filled with rewarding work sure — and so much more.

Many people I meet, do just the opposite. In fact, I was coached to focus on work first. Set business goals. Develop a business plan — so that the business will grow to support your life.

But then, the business becomes your life. And that’s not good for you or the business. It certainly isn’t sustainable. This approach leads to stress-related health issues, burnout, lost relationships, and diminished motivation…



Polly Campbell
The Startup

Simply Write w/Polly Campbell podcast,, books and articles about well-being, psychology, mindset, success, resilience, writing.