Secrets of a $2,500 Dollar Post

The subtle strategies that led to my biggest post ever

Matthew Kent
The Startup


Image Source: Author’s Image (contains a photo by Mikail Duran from Unsplash)

The post that absolutely blew up my stats page here on Medium was “20 Things Every 20-Something Should Do to Start Adulting Like a Pro.”

At the time of me writing this, the post has received over 100k views and made $2,447.86. Of course, it’s still making money despite being published years ago and by the time you read this it might have earned more.

I found myself reflecting on what made this post so successful. This was initially for my own benefit, to try to recapture some of the success but I realized that the lessons I was learning were worth sharing with you.

So if you’re interested, it’s time to see how the sausage gets made.

You Should Write Listicles

There’s this weird thing that happens on the internet where people pretend they hate listicles. I’ve seen publications on Medium proudly announce that they don’t publish listicles and I sometimes hear people say they are tired of all the…



Matthew Kent
The Startup

Done settling for average. Now I have my sights set on awesome 😎 Get “The Ultimate Daily Checklist,” my free ebook on productivity: