See How Easy it is to Stay Healthy in Fall

Lauren Reeves
The Startup
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2019

The long days of summer are just about over. The kids are back in school and your summer state of mind is dwindling down. The beautiful autumn weather you can open your windows to is upon us. You kept a good rhythm in the heat with your exercise program and healthy eating habits. Now you gotta keep it moving forward into the next season. But how?

To keep you in step with your fitness and health goals, complete a few easy actions and you will be on your way to a better you. Stay motivated with these easy tips.

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash
  • Don’t Let Those Summer Habits Go Out with the Beach Tide.

So you already get up in the morning and go for a walk. Why should you stop just because the season is changing? Let’s answer that quickly for you — you shouldn’t. Keep the healthy habits you put into place over the summer to continue your progress. Perhaps your schedule just got a little busier — you have to bring the kids to two different schools in the morning before work. Simple solution — get up earlier or break your walk into two sessions. You can do 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 in the evening. Remember — don’t overindulge on foods and move more. These simple mindset changes will help you continue on your path.

  • Avoid the Flu Like the Plague!

The best way to stay healthy during the autumn months is to not get sick (obviously). The flu virus spreads rampantly during this time of year, so protect yourself. Go to your doctor’s office or a local pharmacy and get the flu shot. It is quick and easy. Most times your insurance will completely cover the cost. WASH YOUR HANDS! One big piece of advice that any medical professional will tell you is to keep your mitts clean all the time. Germs are spread so quickly and just simply keeping your fingers clean will help. Why be in complete misery this fall when you could have prevented the pain in the first place?

  • Eat More Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

Apples. Broccoli. Cauliflower. Grapes. All of these yummy fruits and vegetables are in their prime during the fall months. The list ( is quite extensive but take a look and pick the ones you will enjoy. Your body will thank you for it later.

  • Spend More Time Outdoors

With cooler air on the horizon, get outside more. Go for a longer walk. Hike in a nearby park. Have a picnic, then a fun game of kickball. Whatever you choose, make sure you are enjoying the fresh air! Going outside can be a total mood booster. With the hours of sunlight getting shorter, we can all use a pick-me-up. A good way to start your day off — enjoy your cup of coffee on the porch. Take some deep breaths and get ready for your day.

  • De-Stress

The fall season causes the stress levels of people to increase. Especially because the holidays are upon us. Try getting a good night’s rest as much as possible. Not only does deep sleep rejuvenate our bodies, but it is good for weight loss as well. Another stress reliever? Meditation. Doing some deep breathing exercises will calm you during those stressful times.

We all know it’s hard to keep on track during the months that contain holidays. If you keep your willpower up — those bad habits won’t creep up on you.



Lauren Reeves
The Startup

Former paralegal and teacher turned writer. I have a lot to say about a lot of things.