Self-Improvement Vs Self-Love (The Ice-Cream Dilemma)

Prakhar Verma
The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 28, 2018


You set big fitness goals on Monday.

By Friday, you feel great about how healthy you’ve been eating all week.

Then comes the Friday night. And someone offers you a large cup of your favorite ice-cream.

You’re about to take it, but then suddenly, you hear two voices whispering…

“No, you need to reach your goals. You can’t give in to the temptation.” says the self-improvement voice.

“Come on! It’s okay to eat it sometimes. After all, fun is also important in life.” says the self-compassion voice.

You keep dabbling between the two voices until you make a choice, only to regret it after.

If you eat the ice-cream, you hate yourself for giving up to the temptation, and not sticking to your plan.

If you don’t eat the ice-cream, you keep having thoughts about it. You feel like you’re missing out on it. And you may even end up eating an ice-cream in the coming days to satisfy your craving.

Can you relate?

Which voice should you listen to?



Prakhar Verma
The Startup

Actualize your potential. Remember who you are. Be the best version of yourself: