Set Yourself a Goal and Fall Back in Love with Email Marketing

John W Hayes
The Startup
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2019


Photo by Coen van den Broek on Unsplash

Regular readers of this blog know that I have two passions in life — email marketing and cycling. While at first glance these might appear to be very different pursuits, I often indulge myself by finding similarities between them.

Further Reading: The Cycle of Success: People Really Do Like Email Marketing

Further Reading: Time to “Degrease” Your Email Marketing Strategy?

Further Reading: Why Content Marketing Is Like a Bicycle Wheel

Falling Out of Love

However, in recent months I might have fallen a little out of love with cycling. I can trace the first signs of a problem with my relationship with my bike to a nasty accident at the start of last year. Hitting a patch of ice, my front wheel slid out from underneath me, and I found myself toppling over my handlebars and hitting the concrete path hard. Let me tell you something: Falling off a bike at age 45 hurts a lot more than the spills I used to take when I was a kid.

Following the accident (I still have pain in my shoulder and hip) I very much viewed cycling as a means to an end. It was a form of exercise and transport that I often looked for excuses to avoid (too wet, too cold, too easy to jump in the car, etc.).



John W Hayes
The Startup

Marketing Strategist, Author of #BecomingTHEExpert, Content Marketing Trainer, and Cyclist. Check out my author profile: