Setting Priorities: When everything feels important

Marie F. Jones
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJan 22, 2020


Is your desk or life messy because everything feels important? Do you spend time on the thing that takes your fancy at the moment while the rest of your responsibilities fall to pieces around you? Try some of these strategies to set priorities and have time to do the things you love most.

Identify your priorities at the macro level. If you have a huge “to do” list that just makes you feel overwhelmed, consider backing up a level and mapping out the big picture elements of your life. Create categories that describe your life best. Need ideas? Consider: health, environment, career, personal growth, money, school, creativity, fun, religion, self-care, home.

I might map my life this way:

As you make your map, think about what’s important to you. What activities most impact your priorities?

My important things are basic: My spouse is my mainstay. I have pets, not children. The activities that fulfill me are Thinking Big Thoughts, writing, and working with people through Messy Desk Consulting. When I make my To Do list each week, it reflects those priorities, but I have to think long-term impact, too. I need to do marketing to support my writing and consulting. And I need to take care of my health so that I can have a long, quality life in which I am lazy and creative.



Marie F. Jones
The Startup

Librarian-turned-Business Professor. Curious human. Random thoughts, leadership, photos, memoir, books.